Chapter 3: Circles

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~ Family Video (7:00AM) ~

Steve gripped the counter tightly, leaning forward, His eyes glazed over in thought. Inhaling, he straightened. " Hey, Robin? " He said hesitantly, turning.

Robin slowly turned to meet his gaze with a bitter glare. " What. " She snapped.

He tilted his head sideways. " Can I ask you a question? "

Robin Glared at him irritably. " Yes, steve, you were half and hour late to pick me up, and Im stuck working at a place for whiny children and ungrateful adults, So yes, I'm

in the best mood for questions! " She snapped, smiling bitterly.

Steve wrung his hands, shifting his feet. " I'm sorry, I just have alot on my mind right now." He exclaimed, furrowing his brows apologetically. Robin rolled her eyes, heaving

a loud sigh. " Sure, Whatever. " Steve smiled sheepishly, Exhaling. " Well, It's about yesterday." Robin raised a brow. " What about it?" She asked. " When I went to return

Eddie's lighter, and He well- He Um, he invited me in. " Robin raised her eyebrows. " Wow, King harrington hanging out with The Freak Eddie Munson? This day is just full

of surprises! " Robin said sarcastically. Steve Rolled His eyes. " That's besides the point, Robin. " He said curtly. Robin groaned in response. " Well then, what is? " She asked

sullenly, crossing her arms. " Alright, well.. " He hesitated. " After he invited me in, We um, hung out.. for a few hours. Just talking and stuff. "

Robin shrugged, " Whats so crazy about that, Steve? " She asked exasperatedly. He exhaled, shiftng his feet. " Well, the topic of types came up. " He continued. "Types?" Robin

asked confusedly.  "Types of women. " He blustered, interlocking his hands together nervously. Robin raised her head. "Oh? " She proclaimed with feigned interest. Steve

sheepishly nodded. " Why does that matter so much to you? " She asked, narrowing her eyes. Steve opened his mouth to respond, glaring at Robin frantically. He closed his

mouth once more, sighing." It's just-" He paused, groaning lightly. " I think he likes Nance. " Robin was taking a long drink from her coke stopped abruptly, choking on her

drink, she swallowed, coughing. Her coughing turning into laughing. Steve opened his mouth angrily, scoffing. " What's so funny? " Robins laughter subsided into snickers as

she caught her breathe. " You think- you think EDDIE likes Nancy,- as In Nancy Wheeler! ? " She asked, her breathe catching. Steve felt slightly embarrassed, shifting his

arms. " Well.. yeah! " He said hesitantly. Robin sighed,  her laughing eased off. " Why does it bother you so much? " She asked. He took in the question, thinking. " Well, It's

Eddie Munson, liking Nance! Isn't that a bit, I dunno, odd? " He asked slowly. Robin nodded, "Uh-huh.. Tell, me Steve. " She began. " What is the part that bothers you more,

EDDIE liking Nancy or Eddie liking NANCY? " Steve was surprised by the question

" I- well.. Of course People like Nance, she's great! So.. I guess it's the Eddie part. " He said, thinking as he spoke. Robin shook her head, " But why does that matter to

you, Steve? " Steve put his arms into the air, "Well, I don't know-! " He sighed, " It just, bothers me that's all.. " He finished. Robin narrowed her eyes, "Uh-Huh. Well, If it

really bothers you THAT much, why not just go and ask him? " Steve was shocked by her solution. "What?! No! " Robin rubbed the bridge of her nose, sighing exasperatedly.

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