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Minho was pale and the whole of his body was shaking.

Jisung- out of reflex, hugged him tight. He didn't get a hug back. Minho simply shrunk.

Once they reached the land and got out of the boat, Minho motioned for a taxi.

"Minho wait-"

But the boy was already gone. He had only waved to Jisung while opening the door to the taxi. That, too, he did it absent-mindedly.

Jisung didn't know what to do. He walked to Felix's bakery that was very near where he stood.

"You're back so fast? Where's Minho?" Felix was excited to know what had happened on their "date".

Jisung didn't take his eyes from the ground. He slumped himself on a chair and banged his head on the table.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He could hear the chair move, that indicated Felix sat down next to him.

"Did anything happen to Minho?" Jisung wasn't aware they were not alone until he heard the voice. Seungmin. Minho's best friend. Of course he'd have a clue as to what happened to Minho.

Jisung looked up at him in hope. He explained everything they did.

Seungmin's eyes grew wide as the story went on.

"Shit. I need to find him. Minho's afraid of water, Jisung. Any water body."

He was already on his way out when Jisung stopped him. "Wait, why?"

Seungmin hesitated. "I don't think I'm the right person to answer that. Minho will tell you when he's ready." And he was gone. Gone, just like Minho.

Would Minho face him ever again? Jisung should've known he was afraid. Why didn't Minho tell him? Based off his reaction, something really bad must've happened to Minho. Guilt was all Han Jisung felt.


Minho 😩❤️

Hey, you okay?
Minho I'm sorry!
I didn't know...

1 day later

I would never have
suggested a lake if
you told me about
your fear before.
It's my fault, I'm so

2 days later

Why didn't you
tell me?

3 days later

It's been three days...
Are you alright?

5 days later




Hey Jisung?
It's me, Seungmin
Don't text Minho for
a while, please?
Don't worry, he's fine
He just needs time.
Hopefully everything's
gonna be alright soon.
And just so you know,
Minho doesn't blame you.

I'm really sorry...

It's not your fault


Fillerrr idk i was bored

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