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"Thank you for coming."

"We're very sorry for your loss."

Fake. They all were. Where were they after his father died? Where were they when his mother suffered so much? Where were they, and how did they not care about their almost-death?

Family was a much too lovely term for them. All they wanted was to attend their ceremonies so that they could attend theirs' too.

Minho's mother's funeral was extremely painful for him. As nice as the time he spent with Jisung was, he knew the grief was going to come creeping back in. The only thing that made him stay sane was Jisung's presence that never left him. Han Jisung patted and rubbed his shoulder whenever he sensed Minho was on the verge of breaking down again.

Minho's friends were no less either. Seungmin stayed right next to him, same as Jisung. They made up after the argument they had at the bake sale. Minho was surprised they even fought for him. The way the two explained what happened that day made Minho let out a small laugh.

Chan, Jeongin and Hyunjin stood at the door, greeting everyone that came. Changbin and Felix helped in serving food and drinks.

Some of Minho's co-actors showed up too, surprising him.

The day felt less long and hard thanks to his friends. They were going to eat together at a restaurant later to liven Minho's mood.

His mood had already improved when he ate one of Felix' amazing cookies.

He was fully laughing at the dinner table. Watching him weirdly happy in so long made Seungmin content. He never showed that he was proud of the boy. Even after going through all that, he managed to smile. Though he knew it was mainly because Minho was talking to Jisung again.

He knew Minho had been happier since Jisung came into his life. Who was this guy? How did he matter so much to Minho? Seungmin didn't know, but was ready to take credit of getting them to know each other by giving Minho's number to Felix what felt like a couple decades ago.

One year was all Minho knew Jisung for.

"Remember when Jisung had a brownie phase and would eat them for hours in his brownie-smelling room?" Chan nudged Changbin.

The 8 of them went to the company after dinner, and sat on the terrace of the building. Each of them mesmerized by the clear night sky. The number of stars were uncountable for once, that night. Only one star shone brighter than the rest. "There she is," Jisung had pointed to Minho when he noticed the star. "Shining bright, looking pretty".

Jisung was laying on the mattress that he'd otherwise complain about being too uncomfortable. Nothing that night was uncomfortable for him. His head lay on Minho's chest and legs on the mattress. Minho occassionally carrassed his hair, which obviously didn't go unnoticed by a few.

A few refering to Felix and Jeongin, who immediately looked at eachother after observing them. With an evil smirk.

"Jisung would eat too many brownies and wouldn't be hungry for the actual meals," Changbin laughed against his bottle of soju.

Jisung being the main talk, groaned, accidentally hitting his head hard on Minho's chest. Poor boy said nothing.

"Hey, in my defence those were Lix's. Plus I'd eat anything but that disgusting dorm food the company used to get for us. Back when we were trainees. Good days."

Felix snorted. "I remember the first time you came to my place. Boy was so hungry he ate all the brownies I had made for the week. And then he came again. And again. To the point where I had to tell my other customers for weeks that we were out of brownies."

He looked at Jisung with a wide smile and continued, "I even tried getting you out of your addiction, remember? I offered every other thing but brownies. And then you got mad and walked away, and didn't return for days."

"Yeah, and then he brought me and Changbin to Lix's one random day. Changbin was starstruck," Chan giggled.

Felix, whose head was laying on my boyfriend's shoulder, slapped Changbin's chest in embarrassment.

"Felix is a pretty boy," he booped his nose.

When everyone got back to talking amongst themselves, Jisung looked up at Minho.

Minho smiled with his eyes. Oh, how gorgeous he was. Jisung wanted to kiss him all over again.

"You and brownies had a thing, huh?" Minho raised his eyebrows in amusement.

Jisung reflected his expression and sighed. "I hate those guys."

"We love you too!" The three said at the same time, overhearing due to Jisung's loud voice.

The two remained silent for some time, reading each other's faces.



"Yesterday was... something. Unless it wasn't. I don't want to force anything on you," Jisung said quickly.

"No. It was something."

The two were a little behind the rest, so the others would have to turn back to see them. Which they wouldn't, cause then they'd be thirdwheeling.

"Something very special to me," Minho whispered, then leant down to peck Jisung's forehead.

The butterflies inside Jisung were dancing. No, jump-dancing. In his stomach.

"I...like you, Min. For a while now," he confessed.

Minho smiled wider if that was possible, then interlocked his fingers with Jisung's.

"I like you too. More than you know."

All this would've felt cheesy to both of them otherwise, but it felt so good saying it to eachother. It was meant to be. They were.


Bro forgot about his mom dying 😭 jkjk hi it's been long

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