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"I'm not here to hurt you, Jisung. I need you to hear me out," he said.

Was Jisung willing to ruin his life more by involving with his family again? Fuck yeah. What does he have to lose?

Though shocked and staggering back to the couch, he nodded slightly.

"I'm surprised you even have anything left to say now," Jisung mumbled.

"Hey," Sangwon ignored him, "Will it be okay if I call mom and dad here too? They're worried sick because you aren't picking their calls. They are at Felix's shop right now."

Jisung checked his phone and sure enough– 20 missed calls each. They hadn't changed a bit, had they?

"H-how did you even get here?"

"Felix?" He stated like it was obvious.


"It took a lot of time to convince him."

Jisung sighed. His brother sensed the tension and squeaked, "we can go back if you want us to. We just wanted to talk to you."

"That's not required. You've come all the way, might as well talk to me," he rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna call Felix real quick."

"Jisung? Are you okay?" Felix asked from the other side.

"Yeah...send my parents home."

"Are you sure? Did Sangwon do anything to you?"

"He did nothing, Lix. Just send them."

"If you say so. Promise to call me if anything goes wrong."

"I promise."

Jisung sucked in a breath when he saw his parents enter his house.

"Jisung...." His mother breathed.


"Heyy, how are you?" Her voice was strangely soft. Her crescent-like eyes closed as she passed him a genuine smile.

Jisung was more than shocked. He eyed his parents with concern.

His father had his eyes to the floor, and his hands behind him. At this point he would probably speak up, but he remained silent.

"Sit?" Jisung was awkward.

"No, that's okay. We have to leave now anyway. Your father has somewhere to be..." She inhaled. "Listen, baby, we're so sorry for treating you the way we treated you. We do not expect you to come live with us or even talk to us regularly. But we just want to tell you we're really proud of you." She nudged her husband to continue.

He cleared his throat before nodding. "I admit, how we treated you was very wrong of us. You proved us wrong. You did become famous and successful. You didn't need to take up my company."

Something about Jisung's parents saying all of this brought a smile Jisung tried hard to control.

"You know, everyone in the town knows you and 3racha. Even the pls people!" His mother said excitedly.

Sangwon nodded. "Good job, lil bro." He held out a closed fist for a bro-fist, but ran the same hand through his hair when he didn't get a response from the younger. That made Jisung chuckle a bit, causing the others– including his father, to smile widely.

"We have to get going now," his father spoke.

Mrs Han looked at Jisung with guilt. "We're sorry again, Jisung. Can I hug you?" Jisung managed a nod, but didn't hug his mother back. He had to admit, her hug felt homely.

His father awkwardly shook Jisung's hand. "You made us proud, my boy."

'My boy'? Jisung felt all jumpy inside.

"Let's see each other soon?" They bid their goodbyes.

How could Jisung not forgive them, when he was the one that wanted to receive their love in the first place?

It might have been a small encounter. But it fixed a hole in Jisung's heart. It assured Jisung in some way. He felt relieved and even if he knew it was for a moment, he was happy. Satisfied. Proud of himself.


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hantheonlyone It's getting cold lately, I hope everyone's warm and tucked in :)


3rachaloves Jisung we missed you! Hope everything's alright? :(


han_sangwon Looking good lil bro 👊

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Among all the heartwarming comments (Jisung was glad he made his account public and exposed to the fans) and concerned messages from his friends, there lay a notification Jisung was fixed on. It wouldn't leave his mind.


[INSTAGRAM] leech.minho liked your post


30th chapter! Didn't think i would come this far 😭 thanks for all the love <3

This was a short chapter, i just wanted to clear up the family drama ✨

Idk when I'll update next 😔 I'll be gone for days for a family wedding 💔

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