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"Jisung... why are you here?"

His hands dropped from Minho's shoulder in realization. He tried to speak, but no words left his mouth. Seeing him like that, so destroyed, so helpless, caused his heart to ache. "I...I wouldn't have come if I knew...you were here," his mouth had a different life of itself.

Minho had his head tucked inside his hoodie again, and hadn't moved when he heard Jisung say that. Until a moment later, he sniffed. "I know. You shouldn't be here. Please. I'm sorry."

Surprising for Minho, Jisung didn't move one bit.

"If...you aren't leaving, can I beg for your forgiveness? Jisung I'm desperate."

His heart still skipped a beat when he heard his name out of Minho's mouth.

"Hey. Tell me why you're crying first."


"Shh," Jisung placed a finger on Minho's lips, their hearts beating in sync, "I'll listen. What's wrong?"

"I- uh," Minho wiped his red nose, "I got a call a couple of days ago," he started.


Minho stared at his lockscreen, somewhat hopeful he'd be unblocked by the person he was desperate for. He exhaled in defeat after what seemed like hours and threw his phone next to him on the couch.

But then he heard the tone, his ringtone. His hopes rising to the ceiling, he pounced onto the phone and picked up after seeing an unknown number on the screen.

"Jisung!" He shouted.

"Pardon, sir?" It was not Jisung. It definitely wasn't. It was more high pitched. Probably because the person on the other end was a woman. "Sir, am I talking to Lee Minho?"

"Yes. Who are you?" Lee Minho asked his phone.

"This is regarding Lee Aeri."


Jisung listened to Minho explain about how he found out his mother was alive. Aeri, his mother, was at the hospital. They had called Minho to come by, look after his mother, stay with her.

"My mother, that woman. 'I recognized your face from a magazine cover and immediately made the hospital call your agency to give me your number. I had to send a lot of documents to your over protective agency just so I could see you for a few days', she told me."

"All the time I would've otherwise spent checking if you texted or called, I spent taking care of my mother. Days turned into weeks. Every day I visited her for hours. I got to know her, got to understand her point of view. Poor lady was depressed and not in the right mind. She was drunk, and she wouldn't stop apologizing about it everyday at the hospital," Minho continued.

Turned out his mother was alright after the big river incident. She spent months trying to look for her only son. When Minho asked her why she didn't try harder- why she didn't contact him for all these years, somehow, she replied in a sorrowful voice, "I wanted to, Minho. I really did. I thought you'd be mad at me. I tried. I wanted to apologise to you for all these years. But here I am, doing it on my last days."

Minho's mother unfortunately suffered with brain cancer. She had weeks before her death, and her son was the only person she could think about.

"She passed away day before," Minho was sobbing all over again. "Just when I was starting to get to know her. A very good woman, she was. I miss her, Jisung."

Jisung was in shock. His first instinct being to wrap his arms around Minho's figure. His hands stroked against his hair as Minho wet his tshirt.

The two spent an hour in that position. Minho had calmed down.

"Hey, does dancing cheer you up?" Jisung asked, eyes slightly wide.


"Come on then," Jisung passed his a small smile and lifted him up by his arms.

It felt like the karaoke time all over again. The two danced, Jisung amazed yet again at Minho's talents.

They danced and Minho was starting to smile at Jisung's attempt at difficult moves. Noticing him, Jisung made himself look extra goofier. Minho looked away, smile growing wider.

Genres were shifted. They danced from songs like Gangnam style to BTS's Fire to Twice's Cheer up. That one made Minho laugh. The way Jisung moved his hips to Cheer up- in a very exaggerated way.

Soon they were in each other's arms, moving along to the soft, slow music. Jisung rested his chin on Minho's shoulder and sighed. He missed this. Hanging out with Minho like this. He was mad, yes, but he needed Minho as much as Minho needed him. They were soulmates, and no one could keep them apart. Not even the actress Jisung got stupidly jealous over. This was their world, and they were going to come back together no matter what. Platonically or romantically, it didn't matter.

They stared at each other's faces for quiet a while. "Ji... I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you in the first place... I didn't realise... And.... Jung hee...I'm...sorry."

Minho's words slowed each time Jisung's face came closer. And that was it. Their minds went blank. It felt unreal. Their lips were latched, they could hear nothing. Nothing but beeeeep. Jisung wrapped his arms around Minho's neck and deepened the kiss. Minho's heart should've been out of his chest already.

The two pulled away after a few seconds, breathing loudly. "Wow."


Well, at least now he was sure it wasn't platonic.


wtf this is so awkward i tried oml

also why's love suddenly in the air?? like everyone's pulling someone???

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