My Ex-Husband pt. 2

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I watched her sleep peacefully, as she rested her head on my bare chest. "You have no idea how much I missed mornings like this," I whispered.

Inching herself over, unaware, Brandy practically lays on top of me. Barely grasping onto the edge of the bed, I gently roll her over to the other side. She groans in her sleep. I laughed to myself. Slowly lifting her head up, Brandy flutters her eyes open. Her hair falls in front of her face, messily. Stretching, Brandy finally looks over at me. Her big blue eyes widened at my sight. "...Denim?"

"Morning sleepyhead." I teased, ruffling her hair even more.

"You shouldn't be bed...with me. Julian, he could-" She pauses. "You should leave before Julian gets up." Crawling out of bed, Brandy frantically shuffles across the room in search of her clothes. In her failed attempt to cover herself up, she takes the bed sheet with her as she wraps herself in it.

Walking out into the hall, Brandy struggles to put on her dress. I watched from the door frame, leaning against it with my arms crossed. Almost out of breath, Brandy turns around to face me once again. She stands there, in the middle of the hallway, staring blankly at me. She's tired. Mentally and emotionally drained.

Running her hand through her hair, she breathes out. "I-I was doing so good up until now. I hated you. Yesterday, when I saw you. Every ounce hatred I had for you, seemed to slowly drift away." She opens her mouth to speak, but shrugs instead. "Just tell me what you want from me. You've destroyed everything I ever cared for and loved in my life. I use to have you, but..."

"Come here." Standing upright, I wave her over.

She takes a step forward before taking a step back. "Why?"

"Just come here, Brandy. I'm not going to ask you again."

Trudging over to me, she stops and lifts her head to look up at me. Her eyes are red and puffy. Hesitantly, she lifts her arms. Leaning in, I embraced her within my arms as Brandy buried herself into my chest. I could feel her tears touch my skin. I held her closer.

Praying that I could stay like this forever with her, not wanting it to end, my phone rings. Brandy takes a step back, quickly wiping her face. "Uh, you should get that." She tells me.


"-Julian is going to be up soon, I don't want him seeing me like this."

Picking up the sheet, to fold it neatly over the railing, Brandy doesn't glance over her shoulder, she walks down the steps as quietly as she can. The faint smell of her perfume lingered around. I remember it specifically. I bought it for her when Charlotte was playing around her in things and broke every single perfume bottle. It's been her favourite one since. Warm and fruity.


Returning the missed call, I sat in my car outside, anxiously. "Denim."

"I know-"

"I understand how much that girl means to you, but you can't jeopardize-"

"-I may have another chance-"

"-Denim you could be facing prison time. Murder, drug charges, illegal weapons, agreed, you signed the agreement. Brandy Diamond can no longer be an active person in your life."

I balled up my fists. "I don't care what happens to me!" I exclaimed.

"She was a minor when you met her. That alone is good enough to put away. I'm just trying to help you out Denim. You have to learn how to compromise. If not, you'll be putting every single person you know at risk. Your family, children, Brandy."

Charlotte. Sofia.

"How long?"


"Fuck." I whispered under my breath.

"I've managed to keep your name under the radar. So whatever you have to do, wrap it up. You're not the only one who's being watched."

The line disconnects.


Peaking from behind the window curtains, I watched Denim sit in his car. He's angry about something. By the time I got downstairs, Julian was gone. Probably leaving in the middle of the night. Though I am not surprised.

"Morning." A groggy voice says coming up behind me. I whipped around. I recognize that voice.

"Christopher." I smiled.

He pulls me into a hug gently kissing the side of my head. "When did you get here?"

"Last night."

It's nice to see a familiar face. That empty feeling disappeared for a moment. I missed him. He hasn't changed a bit.

"I want you to meet someone." He takes my hand, as we walk into the kitchen. There she stands, a girl. Dark hair, smooth olive skin. "You must be Brandy. I've heard so much about you!" Her thick British accent. "Christopher doesn't shut up about you. You're a good friend to him."

He's hasn't told her.

"Brandy this is my girlfriend, Gabriella." Pulled into a hug, Gabriella wraps her arms tightly around.

"It's very nice to meet you. Um, how long have you and Christopher-"

"A little over a year. We've kept things private until we knew it was a sure thing." She tells me. "Oh! Are you hungry? I've made scones."


"Denim's still here?" Christopher frowns. "I didn't think that-" He stops then looks over at me. "Let's go into the other room."

Denim walks in, ignoring Christopher and Gabriella as they walk out. "We need to talk."

"What's going on?" I asked. Chills went down my back. Something's wrong.

"You'll find out once you get in the car." He stands there. Glaring down at me. Only a few inches apart.

I bite my lip. "I've got to get Charlotte ready. She's going to be up soon. Julian's going to be back soon. He's going to take us home." I searched my brain for anything to say.

Denim looks me up and down. "Get in the car, Brandy."

I sigh. "What about Charlotte? I can't leave her."

Denim glances over his shoulder. "Don't make me repeat myself."


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