3 Enhypen (JayWon)

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Jay × Jungwon:

Jay POV:
My stomache hurted after I had crashed the stone.

My friend Jake and I went to swim in a lake today and first it really was fun but then this happened.

I jumped off of the jetty into the clear water but I slipped and landed first on
the surface hard, then on a big stone which had to be in my way and of course I haven't seen it.

It hurted a lot and as I looked down to my stomach, I bleeded.

Wait, what? I bleeded!?

I couldn't move.

I'm scared of blood, especially mine.

And then the worst happened.

I panicked.

I screamed my soul out of my body.

My vision got blurred.

I threw myself into the water in and out.

I felt nothing.

Not even the pain of the fresh wound in my stomache.

But then I felt something different.

Different from the nothing.

That something was soft but wet.

It was skin.

Skin of a boy.

He hugged me.

I immediately thought of Jake.

But I knew how Jake hugs, an this wasn't how he hugs.

It was warmer.

A lot more intense, not as a friend would do it.

My vision came back as he brought me back to live.

I breathed in and out.

Just how I was told to, when I was scared years ago.

It worked.

My fear went down.

And my panic stopped.

I fell into the other boys arms.

His hand carefully rubbed my back.

I heard children screeching and laughing.

And I heard how the boy softly spoke to me.

"Shhh, it's fine. I'm here, breath in and out."

He noticed, that I was back in reality.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to bring you something, like a water or something similar?" He said.

I nodded. "A wa- ... ter, please."

He then walked, still hugging me.

He went to the beach were he carefully sat me onto his towel.

And gtabbed his bag.

He rummaged in it and found what he searched for.

A small first aid bag.

He held in looking at me.

I nodded, he is allowed to take care of my wound.

As he finished it he reached his bag again and pulled out a bottle of water.

He opened and gave it to me.

He was very kind.

His face and his body were very beautiful.

He smiled at me, my heart raced.

"Here you go, you can finish the whole bottle!"

I nodded and accepted the bottle.

I drank two swallows.

It was slightly warm, because of the sun's heat.

But it tasted good.

I felt a bit relieved after it.

After I finished the bottle, he was gone.

My bright, cute looking savior has dissapeared.

I pouted, hopefully I see him once again tothank him and switch phone numbers!

And then Jake appeared next to me

"Hey, are you ok? You look deeply in thoughts!" Jake said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine thanks! Have you seen what happened right now? Like was there something unnormal?"

"I don't know, I'm sorry mate. I was catching up with another friend of mine. Sounghoon. He's so nice and cute!" Jake excused himself.

"Awwwwe, our Jake has a crush?"

He looked away blushing.

I giggled.

Hello my dear!

Thank you for reading!!!

❤Luv u❤

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