7 Txt (TaeGyu)

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Taehyun × Beomgyu:

My name is Beomgyu.

I am barista at a simple cafe.

I meet many different people here.

Most of them are nice some are not.

But that's beside the point.

I lately have developed something for one of my customers.

I know I shouldn't but still I fell for him.

Just how he looks.

His smile when I give him his favourite drink with a croissant.

He always comes here in the afternoon.

And I always deliver him.

He sometimes looks sad and then he watches the people on the street.


I now sit and wait for other customers.

The most are just here to get a coffee to‐go or something to snack for their work.

Just a few people have a seat.

The bell from the door made a sound I woke up from my staring.

And walked up to the customer.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I asked.

"Hey, it would be an americano" The man responded.

He gave me the money and waited for the coffee.

I quickly made it for him and said "Here you go, have a nice day!"

He thanked me and walked through the door.

I wanted to go back to my seat but then the door opened once again.

I got back to the cash register.

But the two men never came up to me.

They both seemingly knew what they were doing.

They walked up to the beauty I fell for.

The two men now stood infront of him scaring him.

"Hey there little bunny!"

The boy flinched at the nickname.

"We was asked to get you back to your master!"

We all knew something definitely was off about the situation but no one reacted to the men.

The boy first was asked to go with them but he insisted.

I had the urge to help him but something held me back.

One of the men then harshly grabbed his arm.

The younger one tried to escape.

But no chance the other was stronger.

"You're coming with us. NOW!"

Then I saw the chance to finally react.

"NO, he is not. He seems to not like that so he stays where he wants!" I raised my voice.

The two were turning their heads slowly.

Surprised by my speech.

The younger noticed the opportunity to get rid of the arm squeeze.

He was now free from the harassment.

The two men looked at me angry.

"You know you shouldn't interfere into other's business!" One of them said.

"Yes, but what you did wasn't right either!" I said. "You harmed him without his consent..."

"...And I clearly don't want this!" The young continued.

The man who had held him tried to reach out for his arm again.

But the other punched back.

It landed on the hand.

The man groaned.

The punch seemingly was directly on a nerve.

The man shook his hand to make the pain go away.

The hurted man whispered something to his colleague.

"We'll tell master!" The one said.

"Do it, I don't care!"

Without another word the men got out of the Café.

Still shocked by what had happened the people who saw the incident stared at the guy who had experienced the grip.

Some people around us woke up again and tried to ask us if we were ok.

They all were worried eventhough they didn't try to interfere the conversation.

After some time the crowd walked away.

I now had to take care of my customer.

I walked up to him.
"Hey are you ok now?"

"Yes I am now, thank you for speaking up for me!" He said.

"It was nothing, I saw you weren't good with the situation."

"Yeah, thanks. These people are not nice. Their 'master' wanted me to be something I didn't want to. We know each other since high school.

He always was... let's say... interesting!"
He opened up.

"Umm may I ask for your name?" I asked

"Yes, sure. I am Taehyun!" He answered with a smile.

Oh my God.

I fell more for him.


Well that was 1 year ago.

The weird men never came again.

I once saw one of them wearing normal clothes in a supermarket.

But he seemed kind of better now.

He was the one who grabbed after the arm of my boyfriend.

Oh, yes.

I now have him as my boyfriend.




After that incident we got to know each other more and more.

He was even better than what I thought about him before we got close.

He is caring, cute and loving but still he can also be kind of hot.

Especially when he cooks.

And his food also is very delicious!

We are now sitting on a bench in a park next to his place.

He has leaned his head on my shoulder and watches the birds chirping and the squirrels climbing up the trees.

It's so peaceful.

I could be here forever!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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