chapter four

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My body was filled with excitement, it felt as if sparklers from the fourth of July were going off on the inside of my body as I slammed my body into the board

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My body was filled with excitement, it felt as if sparklers from the fourth of July were going off on the inside of my body as I slammed my body into the board. We had won our game against the University of Minnesota. I had won my first game as a collegiate athlete. During the game, I had been knocked around quite a bit within the last period of the game but kept getting up and working hard to score the next goal. I knew my parents had stayed up and watched me on the big screen in our living room as they wore my college merch. It made me happy to know that they knew I was living my best life in the United States, yet I knew how much they had missed me. Almost as much as I missed them.

Every chance I could get, I would find her in the stands, her brown hair that laid on her shoulders and her tall stature next to her short friend. Her smile was one that could light up a room and her excitement was seen in her eyes. She was beautiful like a sunset on the ocean. I had never really been able to talk to girls in general and never to a girl like her, as hockey consumed my life and I never had time to sit down on a date with a girl or even have my first kiss.

As I walked off the ice and into the locker room, I was met with champaign getting thrown into the air in celebration. Their skates were already off meaning they were about to jump up and down, as for me, I just stood there to take everything in. The room was full of cheers, I walked over to my cubby, ignoring everyone, and sat down inside it. My hands unlaced my skates, pulled my jersey off, and placed it into the wash hamper that the team's laundry person would take back and clean for the next game against Ohio State's hockey team. The cheering faded due to the decreasing numbers of bodies within the locker room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I felt a small vibration coming from the cubby on top of me, I reached my hand and grabbed my phone seeing that my mom was calling.

"Mommy! I miss you so much, did you watch my game?" I said excitedly into the phone where my voice would carry from over thousands of miles away to my mother's ear. "Yes baby, you did great. Dad and I watch the entire game throughout the night. It's getting late there, have you left the arena yet? You need your sleep," She said as I could hear my dad's voice mumble something unknown in the background. "Yes, I am still here but I am leaving soon." I pushed off my pads and pulled on my clothes from before the game, I was still sweaty so it was extra difficult. "Hold on Mom, I need to place my phone down to gather everything and walk out of the locker room," I said as I grabbed things from my locker and shoved it into my bag.

"Maman, j'ai vu une fille. Elle était jolie, les cheveux longs et un beau sourire. Elle ne m'a pourtant pas remarqué. Je l'admire de loin." I spoke to my mother on the phone as I caught her eyes on me, I turned to make eye contact with her but as soon as I did, her head turned to the conversation her friends were having with Everett. Why in the hell would they talk to that asshole? Everett would playfully hit the Latina girl, her hits back were even more brutal than his to her. They all smiled and laughed but I could sense that the beautiful girl didn't want to be in the conversation at all, she began to fidget with the rings on her fingers and hang her head facing the ground. "mon garçon, aime qui tu veux aimer. C'est le bon moment de votre vie pour le trouver. Lui parler." My mom replied, I smiled as we said our goodbyes. My mother and I spoke French if we wanted no one else to listen. When I was home the only time I used it to cover up what I was trying to say was around my dad but he had start to pick up the language in years time.

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