chapter five

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As my alarm blared into my ears, I groaned, slapping my bedside table in rage to turn the annoying alarm off

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As my alarm blared into my ears, I groaned, slapping my bedside table in rage to turn the annoying alarm off. I had stayed up most of the night contemplating if I should accept his follow request. His Instagram was also private but had upward of three thousand followers, he was popular unlike me. Not the followers were everything but in this world, it means things to you. I never posted prep things like sorority girls do with that awful filter that makes everyone look orange. I only post things from life like going to sporting events and going out for photos. Simple and clean, just the way I wanted to live my life. I wanted my social media to show the reality of people's lives so I never got into editing. I contemplated for the next twenty minutes, hovering my finger over the accept button until I eventually pressed accept. I was met with a nose underneath my elbow revealing Riggins and his happy self. I scooted my body up to the cold headboard of my bed, reaching over and grabbing my fuzzy pink journal and pink fuzzy topped pen like the one Elle Woods in Legally Blonde had, that was on. I had been writing and keeping my journals for years, there was something about writing pen to paper that a computer can never compete with. The sound of the tip of the pen hitting and lifting off the crisp clean page and the feeling of your skin sliding on the paper with every stroke. I loved the little things like that every morning, along with my iced coffee, of course. I was a make your coffee at home type of girl, not a spend five bucks on a foofoo drink that is all sugar with a small splash of caffeine, but who can judge? It probably is delicious and easy when you are on the run. I flipped through the pages of my journal, not wanting to stop until a blank sheet came into view. I didn't like rereading my notes from days prior, I wanted to leave the past in the past even though not just looking at my thoughts days before would change anything about what happened to me. I slammed the journal shut after finishing my daily writing of a page and slipped on my slippers, leaving my room with Riggins on my tail as I walked to the living room. It was raining in Ann Arbor, a rare occurrence in the winter months, it would cause the sidewalks to be slippery and the roads undrivable meaning there was no chance class would be going on the next day. I loved days off because it meant I had one more day to relax and read after all my work and studying were done. Everyone was still sleeping away the day after being so extremely hungover from the night before.

As I reached the kitchen, I set a candle and made some coffee, then sat down on the couch, flipped onto Netflix, and hit 'start' on a hallmark Christmas movie. It was still the middle of October but I had been in the Christmas spirit since August, there was something about the cold and snow that brought happiness to me. Yeah, I did hate the negative forty weather of Minnesota, especially because the cold and snow lasted till the end of April most years but it would not feel like Christmas time if there wasn't. I had a hometown friend that went to college in Texas, she hated that there were no seasons. Just hot and dry all day every day of the year. I felt bad for her, she loved her new life but missing the mud puddles of the spring and the leaves changing color and falling off onto the ground of the fall would suck. I loved how much Ann Arbor felt like home, there wasn't much difference between Michigan and Minnesota other than the lake effect that we got every year, it was more of a mild winter compared to the state of hockey. I grew up on hot chocolate and snow forts in the winter, watching hockey games late at night, and going to the winter carnival in St Paul. In the summers, we spent every day at baseball games, eating concession stand hot dogs and chewing seeds. I wouldn't change that for the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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