Chapter 15

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I changed a bit of the last chapter! I've decided to keep Evanna's mother as getting pregnant at 13 NOT 9. Everything else is the same. I just feel that this way is a little bit more realistic!


Briony's POV

The boys and I trudged up the stairs to our room. We were all thoroughly exhausted from our day of exercise and were in need of some food and lying down time. "Do you reckon Ev and Nath will be back yet?" Siva asked, wiping his brow before looking at me. I shrugged.

"We could go check if you want!" Jay suggested hurridely. I tried not to smile at him. Thankfully none of the boys had seen us earlier and, at least for now, I wanted to keep it that way. The boys all nodded carelessly, branching off into their own rooms leaving Jay and I to tap on Nath and Ev's door. No response. Jay used the spare key to open it. 

"Oh well what do you know? They're not back yet." Jay shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at me innocently. I laughed out loud, noticing the suspicious darting of his eyes. 

"You knew they weren't back." I smiled taking a few steps towards him, enjoying seeing how uncomfortable he was getting. "Did Nathan text you?"

Jay dropped the exceptionally poor poker face and grinned back. "Yeah - about half an hour ago. He didn't say how they got on but they'll still be another hour so. I presume that's a good thing." 

"Sounds it." I mumbled looking at his face. Jay was 6 years older than me. Was that weird? There was a sticky moment that fell between us where I suddenly became inexplicably fixated with one thing only. I didn't know for sure, but I sort of thought he was thinking the same. My suspicions were confirmed when he grabbed my hand and yanked me towards him. Carefully putting one hand on my waist making my skin tingle and the other on the side of my neck, he leant down to kiss me. 

I'd fancied him since I can remember - years now. I remember when Evanna had first introduced me to Nathan and the first thing I'd one was shout about how much I loved Jay. I giggled a bit while we kissed which felt a bit strange - then again I was kissing Jay McGuiness - all of this felt strange. Wonderful though. 

"You can't tell my brother." I managed to say, poking Jay in the chest to try and convey the conviction I felt, that my out of breath voice was lacking. 

"Believe me, telling your brother is the last thing on my mind." He chuckled, pushing some hair clumsily out of my face. I laughed. 

Evanna's POV 

"Jay says they've just arrived at the hotel. I've told them we'll be back in an hour." Nathan informed me, shoving his phone in his back pocket and putting his arm back around my shoulders. 

"Mmm." I said quietly. We continued walking through the tall grass. The cemetery was much scarier in the dark that it had been when Lorraine led me here only a few hours ago. I couldn't see very far and I kept stumbling. "Oh, here it is." 

I spotted Malcolm's headstone and came to an abrupt halt just in front of it. I saw Nathan's mouth fall open and saw him stare at me from the corner of my eye. "Eh, is this your, uh, dad?" He asked uncomfortably. I didn't blame him I still felt in a bit of a daze myself. 

I bit my lip, staring at the headstone. Just because I now knew that he had been my biological father did not mean that he meant anything more to me than he did before. It did not make him my dad. When I knew him, neither of us knew he was my father and he certainly didn't act like one."Nah," I said, looking at Nathan and trying to smile. "My dad's at home safe in France. That's just Malcolm." 

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