Chapter 1

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Hello! Ah, this is exciting for me - this is the sequel! I may not be able to update as frequently as before what with school, but I'll try my best. Thank you for reading, I hope you'll enjoy it! Lots of love x


The night is getting colder and I can't come off this high

I don't want this here to end

My head flew off my desk and my eyes popped open, only to be greeted with darkness. I blinked, the blurry specs of orange light morphing into street lights and open windows. I sat up straight, feeling my hair sticking up at stupid angles. I frowned. Where was that noise coming from?

I know she feels the same cause I can see it in her eyes

She says can we start again

 My ring tone. And I knew who would be calling. The only person I wanted to talk to and the only person I hadn’t spoken to in so long. I stood up, tripping into the middle of the room in my semi – consciousness and frantically scanning the floor around me.

There it was. Lying on top of my keyboard at an angle. The screen was lit up brightly with the incoming call. I smiled at my caller ID – a picture of a boy with green eyes all crinkled up as he laughed, his hand tightly holding on to mine and his brown, fluffy hair expertly coiffured on the top of his head.

“Hello?” I pressed the accept button and held the slim phone with both hands to my left ear, sweeping my hair dramatically out of the way and already beaming at the floor in anticipation of hearing his voice.

“Evanna! You have no idea how glad I am you answered.” Nathan laughed, relief evident in his voice.

“Me too, Nathan.” I was laughing even though nothing was funny. My happiness to just be having a conversation with him was more intense that even I had imagined it.

“I didn’t think you were going to answer at first! Thought you might have been dancing around to your ring tone again.”

I cringed “Haha, no. I was sleeping actually.”

“Oh you’re in bed? I’m so sorry, I can call back tomorrow!” Nathan suddenly sounded horrified.

“No!” I yelled, the last thing I wanted was for him to leave. “No, don’t go. I’m not in bed, I’m at the studio.”

“At 10pm?” he asked quizzically.

“Yeah.” I nodded pointlessly, gazing around the deserted studio. Shauna the receptionist was gone; everyone was. I stayed late just to finish off a few songs.

“That’s such a you thing to do.” Nathan half laughed, quietly. Then he said what we had both been thinking. “I miss you.”

It was sort of ironic; considering how lonely I felt and the fact that I was standing in a dark, deserted building. Although, I wasn’t really in the mood to appreciate it.

“I know. I miss you too.” I mumbled. It was almost less painful to not think about him and distract myself, than it was to be this close to him and still he wasn’t with me.

The Wanted were doing a world tour. They left for Europe about 3 months ago. They traced their way through France and Germany and then Denmark before they hit Asia. I received lots of calls from Singapore in particular. Then they hit North America, where everyone was in love with them. Canadians and guys from the US in particular adored them. Despite this, Nathan’s attempt at an American access was still as miserable as ever. Now they were in South America. Due to be arriving in Argentina tomorrow and but now, they had the day off. The boys were all so busy that I barely got a chance to speak with them and texts cost so much, we stuck to email. But it wasn’t the same. I had a few conversations with Jayne though; who had been the only person available for me to talk to the majority of the times I had called.

The Concept is Simple (Sequel to You're Crazy)Where stories live. Discover now