Mike's POV:
As we get back to the cabin, we begin talking about what to do about the upside down situation. It's all so confusing and I thought we were finally done with it. Of course I had to be wrong.
Hopper and Joyce called everyone to the cabin to share information and come up with a plan. Dustin, Steve, Robin, Murray, Enzo, Lucas, and Erica just arrived at the Cabin and we were all sitting down.
I was sitting next to El, with Lucas on the other side. We all sat around the room, the order going from: me, Lucas, Erica, Dustin, Steve, Robin, Will, Argyle, Jonathan, Nancy, Joyce, Hopper, and then El who was next to me as well. Murray was up getting Enzo and him a drink but then sat down in between Nancy and Joyce.
Hopper spoke up first: "I figured it's about time that we all share our experiences to make sure everyone is on the same page." He nods to Joyce who begins speaking.
"I got a package in the mail, from Russia. Turns out Hop found a way to send me a message. Then me and Murray traveled to Alaska and then Russia to rescue him. This other guy Yuri sold us, hop, and Enzo out for money. We ended up hijacking his plane and breaking into the Russian prison Hopper was in."
She gulped and squeezed hoppers hand. "When we got there, the Russians had a demogorgon and was using the prisoners as food... Hopper was able to fight it off as we got him out of there but then we saw what else the Russians were keeping."
She looked back at hopper with his lips in a thin line. "They we're experimenting on them or something.. plus.." she looked at Will and he seemed to shiver a bit.
"Pieces of the mind flayer.. part of his hive mind.." Will finishes for Joyce. Joyce raised her eyebrows in surprise and he shrugged and looked back down.
"Yeah.." she looked at him with worried eyes before continuing.. "We escaped the prison and found where Yuri's helicopter was. We called Owens but found out he was "decommissioned" or whatever that means. Then we found out you guys were probably in trouble." She paused and looked at El.
"That's when we snuck back into the prison to give you guys some help, if it worked. We set fire to a bunch of the demo dogs and Hop slayed the demogorgon.. we don't know if it did anything but hopefully it helped a little bit.." she leaned into Hop a bit more, showing that she was done.
My eyes were open wide in surprise. I had no idea all of that had happened when they were gone.
Everyone was silent, even Argyle.
El spoke up next. "I hit a girl in the head with a skate at the skating rink... she started bleeding and got a... concussion ? I think." Her voice was quiet at first.. She looked at me with an unreadable face.
"What?!?" Said hopper and Joyce at the same time. Will spoke up. "The girl was bullying El.. don't be mad at her.." Hopper and Joyce's face softened. "Angela?" El nodded. El mouthed a thank you to Will before continuing.
"Then some police men came to the house after you and Murray left. They took me away in their car." She put her head down slightly and looked to the floor.
I don't know why.. but I felt guilty.
"While they were taking me away.. Owen's intercepted it. He told me he had a way to get my powers back. He took me to this weird place underground and they played back my memories to help me remember and re-learn how to use my powers. That's when I found out that I was the reason Vecna is after us..." a tear slipped down her face.
I knew I should be comforting her but I was just frozen. She began again.
"When I was still with papa, there was this man. I found out that he was the original one like me. Number One. He showed me how to escape but I realized that he wasn't good. He hurt the others. Killed them. I sent him into the Upside down." She trailed off.

You're the heart ❤️ Stranger Things
Fanfiction*takes place after season 4 vol. 2* **this is a slow story that does not include just romance bc it's meant to show what could happen in s5 with Vecna and Will's connection to the upside down** Will Byers thought it was over. He thought that maybe...