Chapter 2 - Struggles

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"What happens now?" the padawan asks, looking to Obi-Wan. Actually, everyone is looking at him. He doesn't know how old the Vaders are, but he suspects they may even be older than him. He couldn't be sure, but the way everyone is looking at him is just... odd. Anakin has always done that though – look to someone else to tell him what to do. (He always looked to Obi-Wan first and foremost, and he doesn't understand, but the 'does that make you my father?' plays in his mind and he wonders. Maybe. Anakin had told him that once, too, moments after when the padawan is from, and Obi-Wan had brushed him off because he didn't know what else to do. He really doesn't know what to do with that possibility, either.)

"We will return to the Temple," he decides. "With Dooku's death, the war will be over soon."

"Sidious is dead," the eldest says, looking at the younger Vader again. "The Empire will be no more."

"Empire?" echoes Padawan-Anakin, leaning forwards. "What Empire?!" His horror is an echo of Obi-Wan's own. The future already sounds worse than a nightmare, and he's hardly heard any of it.

"We have no one," the younger says, as if it's a realization, as if completely forgetting about those around him.

Obi-Wan stands, looking from the eldest to the younger. "That is not true," he replies, trying to ignore the sting he feels. He can't imagine why any version of Anakin would say something of that nature. He knows how deeply Obi-Wan cares for him... doesn't he? They're from different places and see everything differently, but Anakin does know. They never talked about it, but Obi-Wan is certain he does – though suddenly, he doesn't know, and he loathes that. "You may have lost those you know, but I am still here. Ahsoka is here."

"Who's Ahsoka?" asks Padawan-Anakin, and Obi-Wan thinks he hears the Knight turning to tell him while both Vaders slowly turn to look at him. The older feels doubtful and more hurt than anything, while the younger seems more... hopeful and confused.

"Do not lie to me," the oldest replies finally. "You never cared for us."

Obi-Wan jerks back, staring at him, because what? Anakin knew. He could have sworn he knew. Where is this coming from? "What?" he demands, in unison with the padawan and Knight. Ani is watching from the side, wide-eyed, and Obi-Wan really wishes he could take him somewhere that he didn't have to witness all this. He's already overwhelmed enough by hearing of Qui-Gon's death.

He doesn't understand the deep feeling of foreboding he feels when the Vaders look at each other again, and suddenly, unexpectedly, withdraw their lightsabers. They're standing identically across from one another, and they look every bit intent on attacking... each other?


He thought being in the same room when the Anakins were fighting someone else was bad enough. It's worse when they're randomly attacking each other for no apparent reason. He didn't even have a warning. They were just walking around together like best friends and now they're trying to kill each other?! Anakin has always been... confusing, but not this confusing, Obi-Wan thinks hysterically. Or maybe it's that the Sith part of him has... completely lost it. As if that would be a surprise. The Dark Side does corrupt.

It doesn't even look like it's something to get out their suppressed emotions. They look like they're going for the kill, and while Obi-Wan could be wrong about that, considering how they seem to be disturbingly sloppy, he's not taking chances. He doesn't know if he wants to scream or cry more right now. "Stop!" he yells at them as one of them quite nearly takes off the other's head. "Anakin!"

"That name has no meaning to me," growls the older, not bothering to look his way. Not that Obi-Wan can blame him for that – his helmet gives him a very narrow field of vision.

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