Chapter 4 - The Circle Is Now Complete

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Author's Note: Welp, here's the fourth chapter which was not initially planned, but ended up being written anyways. Lol. I hope that y'all enjoy it! As of now, this is the last chapter we intend to write in this universe. :)

If you're desperate for more content with Anakin and Vader, maybe check out Gates of Hell or something. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Vader doesn't get out of his lap. He's stubborn like that, apparently, and Obi-Wan feels semi-rested, at least, when he awakens, despite his rather uncomfortable position. The window is slowly lightening. It must be early morning, and definitely time for Obi-Wan to get up.

He also needs to take an urgent trip to the 'fresher.

Which would be possible if all his limbs weren't sleeping, no thanks to all his Anakins. Vaderkin has joined Vader in his lap. The Knight and Padawan are curled up on either side of him.

"Wake up," he requests, mildly confused as to how all of them spent the entire night like this without waking. They must have been far more exhausted than he realized, not as though that's unsurprising for Anakin. He is always exhausted because he hates going to bed when there's "more important things to be doing". It's a vicious cycle.

"It's morning, Anakin. Get up. I need to go." He has no idea how all five Anakins managed to end up half on top of him. It shouldn't be possible.

Knight-Anakin makes a grumpy sound, shifting a little, and Obi-Wan nudges him with the Force to urge him up. He never likes getting up this early, at least he hasn't since he realized he was allowed to sleep late. Obi-Wan sometimes wishes that didn't happen.

Obi-Wan would probably have elbowed him if Ani wasn't sleeping on his arm and if he could move his arm anyway.

Which he can't.

Knight-Anakin grumbles with annoyance – he's the one closer to the door – lifts a mostly-sleeping Ani into his arms out of Obi-Wan's lap, sprawling backwards across the floor. At least he's off Obi-Wan now, even if he's still half-asleep.

Vader, who was clearly already in a half-wake, half-sleep state, rolls off him – literally. Except he lands half on top of Knight-Anakin, who lets out a most inglorious shriek. "Get off me!"

"You should have listened to me last night when I told you that," Obi-Wan replies unsympathetically. Padawan-Anakin drags himself up, seeming most unhappy about it, but he – luckily – has enough room to stand up. He drops himself onto the edge of his bed.

Vaderkin rolls over the other way, nearly crashing into Vader again but somehow succeeding in at least starting to get up. Obi-Wan pulls himself out of the mess with his very-slowly-awakening limbs to avoid getting dragged into it again, and Vader is still flailing like a bug stuck on its back to get up without rolling over, because Vaderkin is still right next to him, and Knight-Anakin is still asking important questions about whether Vader lost his legs from being crushed by a cyborg.

Just the usual Skywalker chaos.

Obi-Wan leaves them to their chaos and nearly walks into the wall no less than thirty-five times.

He comes back to Anakin's room to make sure they're planning on getting up before he goes to eat. Because really, knowing them, they're probably already sleeping again. When he enters, Knight-Anakin is already gone. Obi-Wan suspects where, but he won't ask. Vader and Vaderkin are standing at the workbench, reminiscing, if he can tell from how their presences have dipped, dulled with pain. Padawan-Anakin is half-asleep on his bed that now has a few too many occupants, and Ani is curled up next to him.

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