At the party

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"Okay we should probably get out there"
"I do we have to?? It's nice kind of just talking to you Arny!"
"If I didn't know any better I would think you're flirting with me y/n"
"Pshhh whaaaaat that's insane"
"You know I've been wanting to tal-"
Arny gets cut off by Danny screaming for him to come join the game. Arny smiles at you, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the bedroom. What was Arny going to say?? Did he need to talk to me?? I can't ask him now! Your mind races with questions and you start getting anxious. Arny look back at you and asks if everything is okay. "Oh yeah I'm fine go game! Sounds like Danny needs ya real bad"
You go and get another drink from the kitchen and check your phone. OH SHIT! It's already 2 am. I have to get home! You pop your head into the gaming room and let everyone know you're leaving! Everyone says bye and continues gaming. Arny said bye but looks a little disappointed you were leaving.
You finally get back home and start getting ready for bed. You shower and get your pajamas on but then your phone buzzes. You look at the notification and it's a text from Arny! "I feel like my heart just skipped a beat! Should I reply now?? Or wait..or will he think that I don't want to talk to him?? Okay I'll answer!" He texts "hey love why'd you leave so soon?" You respond "hey lovey, I had to leave cuz I have class early!"
"Does that mean no early morning cuddles" "Arny. When have we ever done that lmao" "hm..I don't know but we could start"
you respond back with a skull emoji. You feel your eye lids start getting heavy and you drift off to sleep.

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