Ditch day

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     You wake up at 4 felling super groggy. You got less than 2 hours of sleep. You do your regular routine. Self care,eat,homework,hair and makeup then you're done. You look at yourself in the mirror, analyzing your body. You're wearing shorts and a cropped tank top. It's like 100 degrees outside!! After you look at yourself for too long your body starts changing, morphing into different figures and sizes.
     You put on an over sized hoodie. You feel nauseous regretting eating that morning. By now it's around 7. Class starts at 8..that means you have almost an hour to do whatever you want .  Your first thought was to FaceTime Arny. He either just fell asleep or he never fell asleep. "I don't want to annoy him but he did say I could never annoy him...imma just do it"
As your phone continues ringing and you look at yourself in the camera , you fix your hair and blend your nose contour a little bit more. Your lighting is horrible in your room :/. HE ANSWERS!!!!
     "Hey y/n" he sounds a bit groggy you start to worry you woke him up. "Hey Arny! I just wanted to say hey! And pass some time before I go to class. Were you sleeping?"
"Oh no I wasn't I was just playing with Apollo"
"Aw cute tell Apollo I said hi! How is he liking his new bi pride flag?"
"He lovers it!" You both laugh but suddenly you thought about what arny was trying to tell you at the party last night.
"Um Arny?   "Yeah?" 
"Were you trying to tell me something at Danny's last night?"
"OH! Uhm yeah so yk it's really nothing I'll tell you when we see each other again..maybe tonight?"  " oh uh yeah! My classes end at like 6 tonight so do you wanna pick me up?"
"Or you could just come over now"
"Yk I can't miss!"  "But you go every day!"
"I know I don't wanna mess up my streak!"
"Come on y/n you know you want to be with me" "Be with you? Don't get too cocky Arny. You are right though spending the day with you would be amazing"  "sooo???"
"Okay I'll be over in a lil" "see you soon my love". You get a little nervous and awkwardly end the call. "That was embarrassing"
     You call your professors to let them know you won't be in today and look at yourself in the mirror again. Your face looks fine in your eyes but it's your body that is the problem. You keep on the over sized sweat shirt. You've been to Arnys house before but for some reason this was different.

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