Chapter 3

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Woah. You couldn't believe that just happened...she kissed you. Wanda kissed you. You were a mess of emotions, hiding out in your room. You were ecstatic and confused, happy and pissed. Pissed that she said nothing. Pissed that she hasn't spoken to you since. She avoided eye contact with you at dinner, it's all just become awkward since you kissed. It was horrible...for you at least. You thought there was a connection, but apparently she didn't share that thought. God you were so stupid. You were glad to hear a knock on the door, but were saddened when it was Nat's voice instead of Wanda's. 

"Y/n? Get your ass up, we've got a mission to do."

A mission. Your fist mission. The nerves were getting to you as you put on your suit-plain black and silver with a mask, just like the Winter Soldier suit. The Avengers were talking as you joined them downstairs. 

"Finally, sleeping beauty's arrived!" Tony says. 

You roll your eyes as Thor says "Leave the kid alone, Stark." 

"I mean he's not wrong about the beauty part." You chuckle and flip your hair playfully. 

Steve and Tony start to describe the mission and everyone goes quiet. They say something about Hydra, but you're not really listening. You're too distracted by everything that's happened since you arrived. Wanda won't talk to you, Vision seems to have a grudge against you, and it's just very overwhelming. 

"Y/n? Earth to Y/n?" Steve says, waving a hand in front of your face. 

"Yeah?" you say, looking at everyone. 

"You okay going with Wanda? She can help you, since it's your first mission and all." 

"Yeah, sounds good." 

Fuck...why her? You could've said no...why didn't you?  Wanda looks at you, her expression unreadable. As everyone is getting ready, you walk over to her. 

"You know I can go with Steve and Bucky if you're uncomfortable-" 

"No it's fine," she says, being quieter than usual. 

You nod and grab a small dagger/knife and gun, your weapons of choice. You tuck them into your belt, and Bucky comes over to you. 

"Stealing my clothes now hm?" He says, looking at your suit. 

"What can I say, you have the nicest suit." you tell him, smiling. 

Feeling Wanda's eyes on you, you walk away, entering the ship with the other Avengers.

As you get to the facility, you look out of the window. You'd heard about Hydra before, but had never seen it. It was different than you imagined...more dirty and weirdly familiar. It looked cold and unwelcoming, which sent a shiver down your spine. Bigger than you thought too. You were gonna have to be careful with your words, you knew both Bucky and Wanda had spent time there.

Once everyone walked in, you all split up. You and Wanda went left, down into the coldest, darkest area. Her magic was the only source of light, giving the rooms a reddening glow. You were looking around, and noticed she'd been very quiet recently. 

"You okay, Wands?" you ask softly. 

She nods, and quietly replies. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

"Are you sure? I know it can't be nice being back here," You say, with a note of sympathy in your voice. 

"It's fine, it's not like we're gonna be here for long anyway." 

"Yeah..I guess." 

She's definitely not okay, but you're unsure whether it's about the kiss, or Hydra. Or both. You open your mouth to say something, when you're interrupted by the sound of footsteps echoing through the corridor. Both of you turn suddenly, Wanda raises her hands and you raise your gun. A dark figure appears in the doorway. You get ready to shoot, when you hear Clint's voice.

"Relax, it's only me!" 

You breathe a sigh of relief and start putting your gun away.

"I'd keep that out, you never know who-or what-could be hiding here." he tells you, keeping his voice low.

"So I could get murdered any second? Fun, I'll keep that in mind."

Clint rolls his eyes. 

"Why are you here anyway? I thought you were with Nat and Bruce?" Wanda asks.

"They need everyone back on the ship, Steve found something." He replies.

You all make your way back to the ship, breathing through your mouth in an attempt not to smell the mould. The entire team is gathered inside, Steve at the front holding a small key. A key you haven't seen in years.

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