Chapter 7

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It's still dark when you wake up. You can feel Wanda's breaths on your chest, warm and welcoming. Her head slowly rises and falls with your chest, it's a relaxing motion. You find yourself staring at the ceiling once again, so turn your head to look at your alarm clock. It's 3:15am. You're not tired, but decide to try and sleep anyway-it's better than lying awake for hours after all. You wake up on and off for the next few hours, which annoys you a lot. Wanda wakes up after a while, looking up at you.

"Morning," she yawns.

"Hey sleepyhead."

"You been awake long?"

"Only since about 3," you say.

"3? You should probably get some more sleep if you woke up that early."

"I tried, and besides, I'm not even tired."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." you smile.

You have to try hard not to get too happy about the fact that she cares about you. And sure, any other decent human being would too, but it was different coming from her. It felt more loving, more affectionate when it was coming from her. When it was her caring. 

"By the way, very nice outfit you have on." she says, causing you to turn pink. 

You'd completely forgotten about what you were wearing-well, what you weren't wearing. You definitely weren't decent, but it was too late to change now. She'd now seen you in underwear-at least it was close enough to underwear. At least she liked what she saw? Who were you kidding, that didn't make it any better. 

"You feeling better?" you asked her, hastily changing the subject.

She shrugs in response. "I dunno...just a bit pissed I guess."


"Yeah. I guess I'm just pissed about the fact that Vision can't get over this little crush of his to let me be with you."

You nod. 'Be with you'...she wants to be with you? Like romantically? At least you think that's what she means. You hope that's what she means. You assume she's read your mind, but decide not to bring it up. She sighs and gets up, beginning to  around your room. She approaches your desk, looking at the sketch you did last night. 

"Pretty." she says. "You're very good at drawing,"

"Thanks, Wands." you say, getting up and putting on an oversized letterman jacket, tying your hair up into a messy bun. The two of you walk downstairs to get some breakfast, unaware that the entire team is in the kitchen. You walk and look at all of them. 

"Bad day to just wear a bra," you mutter.

Wanda snickers. "So why are we all crowded in here then?" she asks, making you both some tea.

You start to get some breakfast, but freeze when you see Tony holding the key.

"Spill." he says.

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