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Song for this chapter (Stone Cold, Demi Lovato)

That morning in the hotel room in Jersey was the best day of my life, right next to the day Genevieve became mine. We stayed in bed making love the whole morning and afternoon and only "paused" when we realized food and water were necessities to humans. Also, that we both had a ton of work waiting for us back home.

It's been over a week, but it still felt like yesterday. Genny and I haven't had enough time to see each other, despite living in the same state. She has been so busy, but I don't blame her because so have I. I have seen her once since we came back. Most of our chats has been through texts and an occasional face-time. I missed her.

 She wanted to take me as her plus one to a party Paige was throwing to welcome her newest batch of shoes, but I told her I wouldn't be able to make it.

I had an early flight to France in the morning regarding the new hotel. She knew it was a trip I wouldn't let her allow me to cancel even if she had suggested it. I know how hard I was working and the hidden secret behind it, she sometimes tells me to slow down but as a woman in this kind of work and position, you needed to work twice as hard to be taken seriously.

Paige was more than a friend to her, and I knew she has been there for her through thick and thin. I also knew she wasn't going to leave her on her own, especially today. I thought hard about how she would be feeling now. I called Mel and told her to call the team in France and inform them that I was going to have a late flight.

I called Lauren and asked her to meet me at home in an hour. I was going to surprise my baby at the party. I used the hour I had left to finish up all the paperwork I needed for France.

I got home at 7 pm and it took about one and half hours to get everything done. The party started at 7 and it was 8:30 now. I would miss the runway shoe show but at least I would be there for my baby.

I thought about a lot of things when Lauren started to work on me. Would I be here getting ready for a party filled with celebrities? Would this party feel like it's normal? Or would I be still working at wishing that a celebrity would walk in and I would get a picture or an autograph? Would I have met and fallen in love with the most beautiful woman in the world if I wasn't who I was?

The answer I came up with to all those questions was that everything in life was designed, planned, and executed by the one who made life itself, just as it should be. If I was not Evangelene, there wouldn't be an Evangelene in the first place. All I can say is that I am grateful to have and live the life I'm living now.

I got to Paige's house and most of the cars we not there, and there was just a handful of paparazzi left. I entered and found Paige immediately, she was talking to a couple of guys.

"Hey, you made it", she exclaimed when she saw me.

"I did. I thought about it and decided I didn't want to leave her here all by herself, some things in life can wait, but love comes first. Anyway, where is she"? I asked and looked around.

Paige looked around as well. "I think she would either be in my room or maybe at the pool. She was here not long ago sulking", she said with a smug smile. "But I guess that's why you are here, to wipe it all off with a kiss".

I shook my head at how childish she was behaving and left to go look for Genevieve. I checked the pool area first but she wasn't there and there wasn't any sign of her outside either. I decided to check Paige's room.

I had trouble finding it but with the help of one of the house staff, I managed to get there. I knocked there was no answer so I opened it and entered. I stopped in my tracks to acknowledge her room which was so calm and peaceful, so quiet...wait, I heard the sound of running water like someone was taking a bath.

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