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Love To Last has reached 1k reads. I'm so happy. A massive thank you to all my readers. Lots of love and kisses and hugs. 😘😘💖💖

Song for this chapter (IMAGINE, Ariana Grande)


The guests arrived and we got to work.
It's been thirty minutes, and I haven't made a mistake. An elderly man in his mid fifties was giving a speech. They were supposed to raise about five million dollars for orphans, families who have been hit by natural disasters and what not.

I must say it's a beautiful gesture, for them to give some of their monies to the less fortunate.

The room became extremely silent, even the man paused his speech. Everyone was looking at the entrance of the room. I turned and saw the reason behind the sudden silence. It was Paige Fader and Genevieve St. Laurent. They were the last people to arrive. Her dress was amazing. It looked really good on her. She had an amazing body as well. It hugged all her curves and let me tell you, she has them.
She had almost the same body as me, except that she was a bit taller than me.

Well we Latinos pride ourselves with our booties. Mel said I had the same body as Jennifer Lopez and I was proud of myself.

They were ushered to their seats. They were on a table was I serving at. I immediately went to fill their glasses as soon as their butts hit their chairs.

I filled Paige's glass first and then moved to Genevieve's. After I filled it, she lifted her eyes and opened her luscious lips (what? Did I just think that?) to say something, but nothing came out.
She looked like she had seen a ghost or something.

She had the lightest shade of grey eyes I've ever seen. It was beautiful. It reminded me of Mordred from Merlin. I nodded, gave her a smile and left her side. I went back to my post and looked around the tables to see if I had to refill any more glasses. I didn't.

I listened to the speech about giving to the poor and a bunch of humanity stuff. It had been ten minutes already. I looked around tables again and my eyes met a pair of grey ones. Was she still staring? Didn't she know it was rude to stare?

I averted my eyes. They were really paying attention to the speech, so no one had touched their glasses. I was looking around again when Paige Fader pointed at me, I was making my way towards her but she just pointed to Genevieve St. Laurent's upper arm, it was bleeding. I nodded and and left to find a first aid kit.

I found Mr. Julio and told him about the bleeding arm. He gave me the first aid kit and asked if I knew what I was doing. To which I replied that I had a four year old daughter at home so yeah, I knew how to take care of a slight bleeding arm.

I got to their table and asked if she would allow me to tend to her wound. She was just staring at me. Is she all right? Did I have something on my face? Her friend answered that it was okay.

Before I could even touch her arm, I realized I was shaking. What the hell? Why was I shaking? Maybe I was scared to mess up and end up getting a huge deduction for accidentally spilling methylated spirit on her. I took deep breaths before wiping the tiny spots of blood. I disinfected the wound. It looked like nail marks, like she was pinched really hard. But why? I grabbed a band aid, then the shaking got worse.

What the fuck is wrong with you. Get a grip, she won't bite. Well unless you do something stupid.
I slowly put the band aid on the wound and before I could removed my hand, a perfectly manicured right hand came on top of mine. I jolted my hand, not because I scared I would get a deduction, but because I felt a spark, it was so strong, it was being mildly electrocuted.

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