Phoenix King And The Phoenix Queen

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Rains POV
"Hey Natsu we're here." "We are?" He says a bit tired. "Let's go to the cabin." "The what?" "I bought a cabin for a friend a while back." "Who's the friend?" "Okay so the cabin."

-Why isn't he telling me. I get he doesn't know me. And I kind of know him. But he can tell me. He can trust me.-

"How much did it cost?" "400,000 jewel." "Woah that's a lot." "Yeah. And all I have is 50,000 jewel left. Which I now have to buy a new door with that." "Why's that?" "Gray kicked down my friends door. And I've been fixing up her house for 6 months now. And paying her rent." "So you have no money?" "Not really." "What about food?" "I only eat once a month because after I read a friends letter to me I haven't been so hungry." "So you don't eat at all?" "I eat once a month on the first." Rain is so stunned she stopped walking and dropped to the ground.

-Oh my gosh what did she do to him?-

"Hey what's wrong?" "Oh nothing. Just fell." "Oh okay well I'll carry you to the cabin." Natsu picks her up bridal style. "Oh I can almost see what you look like." Rain pulls the hood more over her head. "Oh your so mean." Rain sticks out her tongue. "In case you can't see me, I'm sticking my tongue out at you." Natsu grabs her tongue with 2 fingers. "That's why you sound so funny." "Hey wet go." "Nope. Say you won't stick your tongue out again." "I won't. Now stop." Natsu lets go. Rain sticks out her tongue again and then puts her tongue back in. "Ha I win." "Don't be to sure." Natsu throws Rain in the air. "Oh look at that I win." "AHH CATCH ME!" Natsu catches Rain. "I think I won. Oh hey we're here." "Okay let's go in. But let me down." Natsu opens the door and turns to the right. "Wait." "For?" "This." Natsu throws Rain on the bed and then turns around and leaves. "Get some rest." "You didn't have to throw me." "Gosh you nag just like Lucy." "Who?" "Oh no one."

-I can't believe he just said that name. I never thought he would say that name again. And was it her that he's been spending his money on?- Rain falls asleep.

Natsu's POV
-So in the last 6 months I have learned to cook really well. Even though I haven't been eating. I still had to cook for Happy and for me. I had to convince him I was eating somehow.-

"Hey RAIN wake up." "Huh what forrrrr?" "Time for dinner." The two sit down and start to eat the steak, mash potatoes, and corn. "You cooked?" "Well I know how to cook." "I thought you didn't eat besides the first." "What the date today?" Rain scans her head for the date. "It's the first silly so I can eat." "Yes I guess you can. But I wish you ate more." "Here I'll start to eat again when she decides to forgives me." "Have you really only eaten once a month?" "Don't tell Master but I haven't eaten at all since she's been gone. I always told people I would eat when I got home. And I told Happy I would eat when he was asleep. This is actually the first time I've eaten since she's been gone." "Why is that?" "Don't tell anyone." "Okay." "You remind me of her. The way you talk. The way you make me happy. The sweet smell." "You feel really bad about what you did don't you?" "I don't just feel bad, I feel really guilty. I've been looking for her more than I have been looking for Igneel. And I would do anything to see him again. But I would die if I could see her just one more time, so that I could say sorry. Seeing her is the only thing I care about." "You really care about this Lucy girl." "I don't just care about her. I'm in love with her." "Wait what?" Rain jumped up and slammed her hands on the table. "What's up?" "You love her?" "Yes I do. I always have. I was to dense to recognize I did until she gave me that letter. You know everyday I would cry in my sleep for her. She means everything to me." "Natsu." "Yes." "Let's go start the mission." "Okay. And I'll do the talking okay."

Rains POV, At the mansion
Natsu knocks on the door "Hello you sent for a mission to take down The Phoenix King." "Yes come in come in." Rain and Natsu walk inside. "What the hell... Is that her?" "Who? Oh my friend her name is Rain." "But is she The Rain Of Terror?" The man says with fear in his voice. "Yeah why? There a problem?" Natsu gets an attitude. "Hey don't get mad. Everyone is scared of me. Even the other guilds I'm in are scared of me. I don't blame them. I have a lot of people's blood on my hand. And no one knows what I look like. No one even knows how many people's life I have taken. And to be honest I don't know either. No one I have came in contact with has lived." "I have." "Well no one that I have laid my eyes on has lived. And I haven't really had a real conversation with anyone." "I have had one with you." "Well you will be the first."

"Uhm the mission." "Oh yes." They said in unison." "So you know the tiny details right." "Tiny." "Well you just know about defeating The Phoenix King. And this girl here is The Rain Of Terror. Rumor has it she has acquired the Phoenix symbol." "Yes she has. So?" "Well being the Phoenix Queen she is. She will either turn evil and marry the King. Or she will kill the one she loves." "What. No she won't. Do you love anyone Rain?"

-Ummmm I can't really answer that.-

"Well do you?" "Yeah Rain do you?" "I don't have time to. I'm to busy all over the world." "Well then she'll turn evil." "Is there a way to prevent that?" "Yeah." "What is it?" "You don't want to know." "I do." "You have to kill her." "You say that as if it's an option." "There is no other option." Natsu's is now getting so mad his body is in flames. Rain puts her hand on his shoulder. "Hey calm down." "How are you touching me?" "Ummm..."

-Think think think.-

"I control fire remember." "Oh yeah." "So you watch out for her. Make sure she doesn't turn." "I promise she won't turn." "Don't make a promise you can't keep." "I'll keep it." "Okay now go before he knows. The one who is called the Phoenix King or Queen knows all. They see all. Even before they become a Phoenix, they can still see all and hear all." "Okay sheesh."

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