1 Year

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One year has now passed since Zeref died. Lisannas confession. And most importantly, NATSU AND LUCY HAS STARTED DATING! And in that time Gajeel and Levy finally got together. And in secret Jellal and Erza are dating. But everyone knows. But she doesn't know they know. And then there's Mira that's with Laxus. Gray that's with Juvia. Yeah everyone started getting together. All the boys thought it was a competition. Ugh those boys.

Lucy's POV
"Hey Natsu what are we doing today?" "The same as usual we're going to the guild and then some." "Then, and then some isn't the usual we do. So what's the and then some part?" "I'm sworn to secrecy." Lucy starts making a pouting face. "Oh come on don't give me that face. It's a surprise. So tonight just put on a dress or something." "Okay?" "Come on it's going to be nice. I even had Levy's, Erza's, Wendy's, and Mira's help." "That scares me." "What does? Erza helping?" "No the fact that Mira helped. I can only see what she would do." Lucy starts day dreaming of what Mira would do.

-I can just see her making Natsu put on a tux. Then forcefully have everyone put me in a dress. Then have me walk down the isle and if I don't say yes, she will already be in her demon form about to kill me.-

"Ugh don't want to have to go through that." "Go though what?" "Oh just day dreaming of what Mira would do."

Natsu's Daydream

-I can just see her making the biggest crab ever. "Yeah she would do that." "Huh. Happy get out of my daydream." "Fine." Oh that crab would be so awesome right now.-

"Natsu breakfast is done." "What are we having?" "Pancakes, eggs, and a lot of bacon." "BACON!" Natsu runs into the kitchen grabbing all the bacon. "Put some of that bacon down. I cooked it all and I want some of it." Lucy says in a demonic voice. "Fine." "Don't pout you should know better by now." "You know what it's okay cause you love me." "STOP PULLING THAT CARD!" "Nope because I always win." "You have never won." "Why's that?" "You get no breakfast." "No no no no no you win." "I thought so."

At the guild

"Hey Luce." "Hey Mira so I heard some news." "What?" "I heard you helped Natsu with something." "Hey I'll be right back." Mira changes into her demon form.

Mira's POV
"WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER!" "Tell who what?" "Tell Lucy about that plan." "About dinner?" "Yeah." "It's just dinner that's all it is. And I didn't tell her where were going." Mira turns and accidentally whips Natsu with her tail. Natsu flys into the wall going unconscious. "Oops. My bad. My tail slipped."

Lucy's POV
"So Lucy you want anything?" "Ummm no thank you. Well there is one thing." "What is it?" "Where are we going for dinner?" "Oh I think I here Elfman calling for me. Coming Elfman." "I don't need y..." Mira just stares at him like she will kill him. "Oh yeah I need you help with this uh transformation spell. Yeah that's it." "Sorry Lucy looks like duty calls."

-Ugh where are we going for dinner tonight. I'm just going to go back to my apartment and sleep until we have to go to dinner.-

"Hey Natsu I'm going back to the apartment if you need me." "Awe why?" "I'm just going to take a nap. I wasn't feeling that well this morning." "Oh okay. Well I hope you start feeling better before tonight." "Okay bye I love you." "I love you too Luce. I'll pick you up around 7. " "Okay."

-I wonder where Natsu is taking me for dinner. He had started acting weird here's rely. Like here lately he has been going on missions without me. I would of forced myself to go with him but e always leaves before I wake up. Gosh and it's not like I can wake up early in the morning because he just goes on missions randomly. But where is e taking me? Ugh I don't know. But I'm going to sleep.-

Natsu's POV
"So Natsu where are you taking Lucy for dinner?" Gray asks. Natsu glances at Mira to see if it's okay to tell him. But Mira just glares at him. "So I uh got to go I have to get ready for the uh dinner tonight. BYEEEE!" Natsu runs out of the guild so fast because Mira was running behind him.

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