Chapter 7: Harvey Hollow (III)

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*    1    *
    Colon shouldn't have fucking stopped me. I had the psycho in my goddamn sights, he was right there. I looked around the hospital room, the machines beeped, and the blood bag was filling up by the second, doctors came in and out every other second it seemed. I barely got any privacy. Colon checked in everyday, he apologized deeply. I knew they were sincere apologies but his words were worthless now. I answered mountains of questions. I slowly began to run, not on energy, nutrition, or blood, but instead rage, hate, and vengeance. I knew there was only one thing that could bring me closure, Rellik's death.

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    When I returned to Don's house and saw that the door was locked. I prepared myself as I kicked open the door, wooden chips scattered themselves across the floor, "O.P.D you are at a crime scene, I have to take you in for questioning!" My voices echoed through the blood stained house, it was a one floor house so whoever was in here didn't have much of a wide selection when it came to hiding. I drew my weapon as I walked through the house, I constantly checked my back. I walked slowly, the boards creaking under my feet as the A.C. buzzed quietly. I stopped mid motion when I heard a clash, it was coming from the kitchen. The living room I stood in was connected by a narrow hallway making the commute to the kitchen would be a dangerous option. One I couldn't chance. I cleared the rest of the living room as I called Colon on the receiver, I whisper, "Colon, I need you back at Don's place. Listen closely, when you get here go around back. Someone has entered the scene, and objects to reveal themselves, they could possibly be armed, use caution." Colon answered immediately, "Ten-four."
    The wait seemed to be hours, but eventually I heard Colon scream from the other side of the house, "Outlier police department, on the ground!" I made my way down the hall as gunshots echoed through the house. I called dispatch, "Ten-eighteen, units and EMT needed, shots were fired, possible officer down, requesting a ten-twenty-six!" I turned the corner and saw Colon with his back against the wall holding his left hip blood seeped through his vest and hands. "Shit!" I spoke into the receiver again, "Officer down, where's the fucking ten-twenty-six?"
    "Ten-twenty-six is thirty to twenty minutes, sir." Yen answered, her voice shaking.
    "Fuck that he doesn't have that kind of time." I dragged Colon behind the breakfast bar as bullets pierced the house. "Ten-thirty-two requesting seven units!" I blindly shot over the bar.
    "Ten-four, seven units are ten-seventeen. Ten-twenty-six is ten minutes."
    "You're only ensuring yourself a ten to twenty year sentence! Surrender and I'll see that it gets reduced! You're scared, don't make this harder than it already is!" I tried to be the voice of reason between each shot.
    "That's just some officer peacemaking bullshit! I'm not going to do shit! You'll have to kill me!" The voice was young, sixteen at most, it was a male for certain.
    "You know I can't do that!"
    "Then let me go!" The kid sounded afraid, his words were chopped and he developed a stutter.
    "I'm not going to do that either, come quietly before you get yourself killed!"
    "Go to-" His voice was cut short as a gun went off. Silence fell. Everything seemed to stop. Six units rushed in and carried Colon out. I went outside and saw the body, I was right. It was a sixteen year old caucasian male. The officer who shot him was easy to identify, she was a new recruit. Twenty years old at least. She sobbed. I walked to her, "I need your assigned firearm private." She did as asked, her hands shaking. I wanted to scream at her, she acted in fear. "You acted irrationally private, you acted blindly based on your fear, this will not happen again, if it does you'll be required to resign. For now you are on temporary suspension for two weeks." She slowly turned to me, "Heartless bastard." She backed away and walked inside the house to be questioned.
    I approached the body and examined it. The shot was clean and efficient, the bullet went through his eye, and there seemed to be no exit wound. Blood spread across the grass, his mouth started to flood, blood began to slowly drip out. "He was dead before he could even hear the bullet." An invasagator placed his hand on my shoulder as I stood up, "That was just a kid." I looked at the investigator.
    "He got tied into the wrong crowd, or he was too stupid to leave the house alone." He answered coldly. I knew he was right, I hated it. I couldn't help but see Gracie. What if this was her? The thought lingered, it was enough for me to leave the scene entirely.
    I walked out the broken front door and saw press with cameras, microphones, and notepads all of them talking over one another pushing and shoving each other out of the way. I looked at all the cameras, "A son, brother, and possible father died tonight along with a wife, sister, daughter, and grandmother. My partner, no, my friend was wounded as well. Have some fucking human decency and leave the dead and wounded alone." I walked past the crowd as they stood in silence. The bureau was going to be pissed off about that one. I got inside the cruiser and drove to the hospital.

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