Holy shit a chapter?!!! Fruity cookies

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(Fuck this fanfic is so dumb I'm cringing so bad I'm such a shitty writer ajanjsjwnwnsjss 😭)

3rd person POV:

"This library is stupid...." Wizard said as he put back another book he skimmed through.

"No books on getting rid of feelings.. only embracing them. So stupid..." He murmured to himself.

GingerBrave decided that he would go help people around the kingdom. Wizard declined his offer on coming with him, because he had plans that day.

"If I can't find a book about this I'm going to cast an amnesia spell on myse- oh this one looks good!" He said grabbing a book and quickly skimming through the pages

"Mhm... yup this one is fine...... I really need to stop talking to myself."

Wizard went to the front of the library. The cookie at the front desk checked out the book for him, slightly concerned from overhearing some of what the other cookie said.

Wizard Cookie spent the rest of the day (and night) researching on how to get rid of feelings for other cookies and going through at least 4 cups of coffee.

*Time skip bc why not?*

"Sooooo.... did you have fun with GingerBright yesterday?" GingerBrave asked Strawberry trying to start a conversation

"Oh uhhhh.. we had fun! We watched a movie and painted together it was really fun...." She paused for a second deciding if she should go on, but decided to change the subject

"Uhm soo.. what did you do yesterday?"

"Oh! I went to the park with Wizard, but he left to the library. Then I went to go help out around the kingdom, I spent most of the day with Avocado helping her out. Then I came back home."

"Damn you should become a rapper." Said Chili

"Maybe I will." GingerBrave said crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out at her.
"Is Wizard gonna eat his food or can I have it? He's usually down here for breakfast and he's taking FOREVERRRR." Said Custard (cookie III)

"Maybe he's not hungry? And besides, it's less annoying without him around being such a smarta-"

"I can go check if you guys want." Said Strawberry interrupting Chili.

"Yeah that's a good idea. I hope he got some sleep last night, I don't like it when he's grumpy." GingerBrave said crossing his arms and mimicking a grumpy face.

"I don't like him even when he's no-"

"Ok I'm going to go check on him now" said Strawberry trying to stop GingerBrave and Chili from starting a war at the table.

Strawberry knocked at Wizards door. When she got no answer she let herself in, only to find Wizard passed out on a book at his desk.
"Oh.... he must've not slept last night..." She walked over to where he was sleeping and carefully shook him awake.
"..huh- what- oh shoot I fell asleep... What time is it?" Wizard asked, his head darting up quickly.
"Somewhere around 10:00, breakfast is ready by the way. If your still tired you can go back to sleep though..." Strawberry said, voice trailing off. "Oh ok... I'll be down in a minute"

Strawberry nodded and headed back downstairs.

"Let me guess, he stayed up all night?" Asked Chili.

"No he fell asleep at his desk-"


"HAHA! Now give me that 100 coins!" GingerBrave said holding his hand out to Chili.

"Whatever, they're yours anyway." Chili said putting the 100 coins in his palm.

Discontinued until I finish another story- 👹Where stories live. Discover now