happy birthday to me

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every year on my birthday, my dad would wake me up with this song. it was called 'rorys birthday song.' he and dean would sing it while mom attacked me with hugs and kisses.

i miss that time.

this year and the past five years, that song is only a memory. a memory of him.

sixteen. woah, that's crazy. the crazy thing is belly is also sixteen. we share birthdays. that's what i love about our friendship. oh and its dean's birthday too.

i guess belly was already awake since she wasn't in her room. after last night, i stayed with her and fell asleep.

i had quickly ran to my room to change into something decent. it was a white sun dress.

as i was walking downstairs, all i thought about was the kiss. he kissed me. jeremiah fisher kissed me. i couldn't believe it.

"here's our birthday girl," susannah says, hugging me the moment i walk into the kitchen, "happy birthday beautiful."

"thanks susannah." i smile, taking a seat at the table.

jeremiah looks at me with a huge smile, "happy birthday." he walks over and hugs me, then leans down toward my ear, "can we talk about it later?"


"i made you guys your favorite, mickey mouse pancakes," laurel tells belly and i, making me smile.

"actually, i'm not that hungry." belly says, shocking me. she always has these pancakes on our birthday.

"oh," laurel simply says, taken back, same as susannah.

"i'll have some." i tell her. laurel smiles and places a plate in front of me, i thank her.

"happy birthday LORELAI!" dean screams, wrapping his arms around me, nearly choking me.

"happy birthday dean," i say, laughing and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"ew stop." dean cringes, "look i gotta go to work but i'll see you later with your present, okay?"

i nod and wave him goodbye as he steals one of my pancakes and runs away, "damn you dean."

"let's do presents!" susannah exclaims, the moment i bite into my first pancake.

it was always a tradition to open presents after breakfast. it was my favorite part, not to sound like a greedy brat or anything.

my dad would always go all out. he was the type to buy you something if your eyes landed on it or if you even said you liked it.

"that's from me," laurel says, as belly and i pick up gifts with the same wrapping paper. we open it at the same time to reveal 2 books, 2 books.

"turn to the book mark page."

we do and we realized it's the poem susannah made us remember.

"oh yeah i remember susannah teaching us this," belly laughs.

"for whatever we lose. like a you or a me. we're always ourselves. we find in the sea." we all recite, even conrad who seems to be not in the best of moods.

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