Moss - Atsushi's POV

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This must be the first game

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This must be the first game

Aitara: Hello there, you two must be the next bodies.

Bodies?! What does she mean by that? Does she plan on killing us?!

Akutagawa: What do you mean by "bodies"

Aitara: Is that not a term used amongst humans?

Is she indicating she's not human? She looks human?

Atsushi: No-

Aitara: Ok then humans, I suppose Hintara told you about the rules?

Atsushi: Also no...

Aitara: That lazy bitch. *sighs*
Ok, these are the rules, listen closely because I won't repeat this:

-You have 4 hours to find 23 items and complete 2 tasks.

-You both will have a list each, both of your lists have the exact same items & tasks.

-You won't have to worry about loosing or damaging your lists because your lists will be floating holograms that will automatically follow you wherever you go.

-Once you find an item on the list, all you have to do is simply snap your fingers twice, and a large casket will appear, just place the item on the list inside the casket and then it will be ticked off and the casket will disappear until you call for it again.

-If one of you doesn't complete the list before the timer runs out, they will be eliminated.

-You two will be separated 1hr and 30mins within the game.

-You will not be completely separated, you both can still find each other within the dome.

This game seems easy but it's much harder than you two think.

-Oh and one more thing, you both will be placed in the forest dome, so your gifts will be deactivated the second you step into the dome, if you wish to defend yourself, use the resources you find in the dome.

Akutagawa: That's obscure! You can't just do that! I refuse to participate in a game where I cannot use Rashomon!

Atsushi: Akutagawa, I don't think we can choose whether we want to play or not...

Akutagawa: Why not!

Atsushi: Didn't you listen? She said while explaining that we could get eliminated - meaning they have the power to kill us!

Akutagawa made a frustrated face but not his usual cold and angry frustrated face, it was different somehow. I've never see Akutagawa make a face like that before. Is he scared? No, there's no way Akutagawa would get scared... he is dumb but Akutagawa is one of the bravest people I know!

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