I am Carey and Not A Howard

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As Lady Caroline Matilda Carey grew she became quite the defender of her family and when she was with her eldest sisters, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane, Lady Samhain, and her brothers, Lord Anthony Christopher and Lord Albert Edward she would tell them "I am not a Howard. I am Carey."

"My father is not Lord Andrew Charles Howard. My father is Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory." Lady Caroline Matilda would tell her sisters and brothers.

Lady Caroline Matilda could empathize with her step-sister, Lady Anastasia Christina as she was the natural daughter of Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Theresa Charlotte Hardwick.

Lady Caroline Matilda wasn't afraid of Lady Elizabeth, and she would stand up to her and tell her " I am not Howard, Lady Elizabeth and I am Carey."

"One day I will succeed my father to the Dukedom of Bedford Territory as I am my father's eldest child and my father was his grandfather's eldest grandson and he didn't usurp the Dukedom like your father did to his brothers." Lady Caroline tells her eldest sister, Lady Elizabeth.

The two sisters have a standoff between but behind the scene watches Lord Anthony, Lord Albert Edward, and Lady Samhain, who are afraid to stand-up to Lady Elizabeth, but Lady Caroline Matilda doesn't back-down.

"Lady Caroline Matilda. You are the great-great-great-great-granddaughter of Lord Frederick William Howard as I am the great-great-great-granddaughter of Lord Frederick William Howard, as my great-grandfather and your great-great-great-grandmother were brother and sister." Lady Elizabeth tells her sister.

"My great–great-great-grandfather was Lord William Carey." Lady Caroline Matilda tells Lady Elizabeth.

"My great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard is your great-great-great-great-grandfather." Lady Elizabeth tells Lady Caroline Matilda.

"My great-great-great-great-grandfather was Lord John Carey." Lady Matilda tells her.

"We are sisters, Lady Caroline Matilda. We have the same mother." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

"I am not sharing my mother with you. Get yourself a new mother." Lady Caroline Matilda tells her.

"I was born before you, so she is my mother first." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

Lady Caroline Matilda looks at Lady Elizabeth "Why are you such a bully, Lady Elizabeth?" Lady Caroline Matilda asks.

"I don't think I am a bully." Lady Elizabeth tells her.

Lady Karissa walks into the nursery and Lady Caroline Matilda tells her mother " Why do I have to share you with these Howard's?"

Lord Richard William Carey starts to laugh at that and Lady Karissa looks at her daughter, Lady Caroline Matilda " I am sorry but you have too. I am also the mother of Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony and Lord Alert Edward." Lady Karissa explains," Lady Caroline Matilda. I know that Lady Elizabeth can be difficult."

"Mother. She told me to get a new mother." Lady Elizabeth tells her mother.

"I wish I could get a new husband, but it is not easy and simple." Lady Karissa tells Lady Elizabeth.

"I am afraid you children are stuck with the mother and fathers that you have." Lady Karissa tells her children.

Lady Anastasia watches and Lady Karissa calls her over "My dear Lady Anastasia. Lady Elizabeth and you are sisters as you share the same father as Lady Elizabeth and Lady Caroline Matilda share the same mother but different fathers." Lady Karissa tells her.

"You must all remember that you are the daughter of the Duke of Norfolk Territory. Your father is far from perfect but none of us are perfect." Lady Karissa tells her.

"You are Duchess of Northampton Territory." Lady Karissa explains, "Whereas Lady Elizabeth and Lady Caroline Matilda have to wait their turn."

"Your father knows that one day you will prove to be a real credit to him." Lady Karissa explains.

"Daddy. I am not Howard and I was born a Carey." Lady Caroline Matilda tells her father.

"My dearest Lady Caroline. We are part of some many different families. It is true that your paternal great-great-great-great-grandfather was Lord John Carey, but on your great-great-great-great-grandmother's side you are part a Hastings, and their son, Lord Phillip married a Lady Eleanor Butler, and their son, Lord William Carey married Lord Sophia Charlotte Howard and their son, Lord George married Lady Henrietta Anne Bourbon and your grandfather, Lord Robert married Lady Lettice Knolly, and your mother is a Lowell." Lord Richard William explains.

"You are half a Carey and the other half is a mixture of Hastings, Butler,Howard, Bourbon, Knolly's and Lowell." Lord Richard William states.

"Daddy. At Least I don't have to share you with these Howard's." Lady Caroline Matilda tells her father.

"Lady Caroline Matilda. Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Richard Edward III, Lord David William Beck Senior, Lord Anthony, Lady Anastasia, and Lord Albert are my third cousins as is Lord Thomas William Howard." Lord Richard William tells his daughter.

"Lord Charles Andrew JR and your great-grandfather were first cousins as your great-great-grandmother and Lady Elizabeth's great-grandfather were brother and sister." Lord Richard William states.

"Lady Elizabeth is your third cousin once removed as is the rest of The Howard's and Becks." Lord Richard William tells his daughter.

Lady Caroline Matilda looks at her father and she states " I am a Carey and I am not a Howard."

"Lady Caroline Matilda. You are my daughter and yes you are a Carey through me but you are also a Lowell." Lord Richard William tells her.

"One day when you grow up,and marry. You will understand better." Lord Richard William tells his daughter.

"When I marry. I will give my firstborn child our surname,father." Lady Caroline Matilda tells him.

Lord Richard William Carey looks at his daughter and he looks at Lady Karissa and they look at each other.

Faithful to her word, when Lady Caroline Matilda Carey marries in 2302 to Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II and in 2305 when her first child is born she gives her daughter, Lady Isabella Karissa the surname of Carey.

Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, Future Duchess of Bedford TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now