Rooster's Surprise Homecoming

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Today was a special day. Today was a day of reunions. But one party didn't know that today was that day.

Cecelia Marcellini had no idea that Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw was coming home from deployment that day.

He had set up a surprise homecoming for her with the help of her best friend and younger brothers. Cece had been having a rough time this deployment. For reasons even she can't explain, this separation felt different.

But that was all about to change in only a matter of hours.

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Cecelia had been giving special permission to be on the set of West Side Story as a good chunk of her family were main cast members. Not to mention the fact that she is a renowned choreographer herself.

She would help out with the dance numbers, along with the hired choreographers, doing her best to never step on their toes. (She never wanted to get in the way of a fellow dancer, not wanting to burn any bridges by accident.)

Today they happened to be filming one of her favorite scenes from the original movie and Broadway show.

America was her favorite song from the musical, followed closely by the Quintet and Sergeant Krupke. And Steven Spielberg had big plans for this number.

All of the dancers were in costume, practicing certain spots until it was time to film.

The scene took a few hours to film exactly how Spielberg wanted it. Getting different angles, aligning the best shots, correcting mistakes made during certain takes. It all took time.

Amd even though they didn't need to be on set, as this was a Sharks number, members of the Jets and other cast gathered to watch to show. I mean, come on. Most of them have Broadway backgrounds and this is one of the most iconic songs in the business.

But Kai and Ronen were sneakily planning the best way to surprise their sister with her returning soldier.

And as it turns out, Mr. Spielberg had the perfect solution. (He had asked them why they were scheming, so they had to tell the famous director. He was all for helping in any way he could.)

So towards the end of the shoot, Steve (it's very weird calling him by his first name) asked Cece if she could step in to help with blocking for certain dancers who had been 'messing up' (no they weren't).

As she began the dance, Kai helped get Bradley into place. When Cece would spin into the ending position, she would be directly facing him.

The entire set was quiet and filming, ready to burst into tears for the soon to reunite couple. Cece, as mentioned before, always takes people under her wing. This was no different and everyone loved her. So getting ready to see her reunited with her love was something no one wanted to miss.

Cecelia lost herself in the music, blocking the steps with perfect memorization and precision. And as she landed in that final pose, she locked eyes with the one person she had been dying to see for months now.

Immediately, her hands covered her mouth as a gasp left her lips.

Without a single moment of hesitation, Bradley lovingly says, "Hi baby, I'm home."

He doesn't have time to react before Cece is lauching herself into his arms. She wrapped around him like a vine, legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

The set exploded into applause, some whistles going out to the happy couple. Phones filming the entire thing, plenty of people tearing up at the display of love.

"I love you so much, you know that," Cecelia mumbled into Bradley's neck.

Kissing her temple, he simply laughed. "I love you too."

She finally moved her head to look into his eyes.

And without another moment to waste, the couple locked lips for the first time in months. It was so full of passion, of love, of longing.

It was truly a couple reunited.


Word count: 668

So I watch way too many returning soldier videos on YouTube and that's basically what inspired this lol. Hope you liked it.

See you in the next bonus. Bye!!!


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