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"I know those eyes anywhere

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"I know those eyes anywhere." Isabella smiled as she opened her front door. "Me and Atlas were just on our way out. But Starlight is upstairs in her room. Atlas!" Isabella called out to her son as she headed out towards her car.

"I'm coming." Atlas spoke scurrying down the steps. But stopped dead in his tracks once he saw Conrad.

"What are you doing here?" Atlas glared. "Hey...Uh. Just want to talk to her, it's been too long." "But when she tried to talk to you she ended up in tears." Atlas crossed his arms. "She told you..." "She's my sister. And you're an idiot. But for some reason she's always gonna have feelings for you. So if you hurt her again I'll bury you somewhere they won't find you." Atlas smiles before walking past him and slamming the door on his way out.


"Jennifer, oh my

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"Jennifer, oh my." I hummed along to my phone as I sat at my sewing table finishing up my dress. But a knock at my door caused a sigh to leave my lips as I got up. "I thought you guys left already." I breathe open my door only for my heart to stop. "Conrad... what are you doing here?" I gasped.

"I know I don't deserve a second of your time but I want to talk. For real this time Star." He spoke with a sad expression on his face. I'll always fold for this man. That's why I step aside and let him in. Doing so his eyes immediately went to my huge photo wall of us. I watch as his eyes sparkle as he looks over the pictures from a distance.

"You said you wanted to talk." I speak sitting back down in my sewing chair and he takes that as an invitation to sit on my bed. I remember all the nights he would sneak out and come over and we'd just talk or watch movies. It was nice.

"I'm sorry for what I said on the beach. I was drunk. You were right. I was lashing out on you. I always found it easy to talk to you, because you were really the only person who truly understood me. And I've been walking around with this huge secret. I have been wanting so badly to tell somebody but I couldn't. I wanted to tell you but all I could think about was how bad it hurt when you left. So I just started lying to protect myself."

"Conrad... what you said hurt me way more than when I found out I wasn't coming back. It showed me that you gave up when I never did. Yes we were young but I knew deep down we'd find each other again when we were older. I was going to find you again."

"Star, the last thing I did was give up. That's why it hurt so much because it was worth it. The waiting. I've just been so scared. Everything is just shit right now."

"You can tell me Connie. I promise not to say a word." I reassure him as I get up and move to sit on the bed next to him making sure to leave room if I need an escape. "It's my mom... Her cancer came back... And she's not going to do chemo this time...And she doesn't know I know. No one knows." He choked out.

"Conrad... That's-, I'm so sorry... You need to tell her, you fell apart last time. And it's not all on you, there's only so much your big heart can take." I breathe. Conrad's always had the pressure of taking care of everyone else since he's the oldest.

And I was always there to take care of him when he forgot to take care of himself, he saw his feelings and needs as a burden to him family. Seeing that they were mediocre compared to everyone else's .

"That summer. The one where you didn't come back I got you something beforehand." Conrad speaks changing the subject as he pulls out a small jewelry box.

"I know it wasn't your fault. But you were the one person I thought I'd never lose. You were what pushed me when I wanted to shut down. You were my infinity person. You still are." He spoke shakingly, he was nervous. But his words made my heart beat even harder for him. I'm pretty sure I stop breathing when he opens the box.

It was an infinity necklace. I was speechless. This was him apologizing, him promising me infinity all over again. But the way he hurt me... "I know what I did was shity. I hurt you. And I'm sorry." He's always been able to read me. Bringing my eyes back to him I speak again. "Conrad-" I start only to be cut off.

"Starlight, you've always been it for me. Let me make it up to you. Let me make good on our promise." He speaks as I allow him to touch me. He tangles his hand in my hair drawing me closer. Conrad isn't as complicated as people think. He's actually really sweet and does everything wholeheartedly. But his downfall will always be biting his tongue when it comes to his feelings.

"Do you still love me...?" I asked hesitation laced in the back of my throat. "Yes...Do you?" I could feel his breath on mine, that's how close we were. The closer we were the stronger I felt our connection burn. A little bit closer and I'd feel his lips on mine for the first time in five years. "Yes." I answer and that's all he needed before he kissed me. And the sparks that never left went off like fireworks.

Kissing him I take him all in. His taste, his smell, his touch, his warmth. I've missed him. "I've missed you. That's what I should have said." He speaks as he pulls away from me. "Yeah no shit." I laughed as he rested his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry." "I know, you've said it in more ways than one. I forgive you." I smiled, closing my eyes as he ran a hand through and played with my hair.

"Tatum is going to have an aneurysm." "Yeah?" "Yeah. I don't think she'll know whether to slap you or hug you." "Yeahhh, even Atlas threatened me. What are you working on over there?" Looking up over my shoulder I look over at my sewing table. "Oh just my debutante dress. It'll just give me something else to add to my portfolio." "Portfolio for?" "There's so much to catch you up on." I smile brightly.


Happiness beamed inside of me. Conrad left a while ago to attend the volleyball tournament. After a few more kisses and some more 'I wish you didn't have to leaves' he did.

I would have gone but I needed to finish my dress, Tatum went and she has been blowing up my phone ever since I told her Conrad stopped by. "Omg Tatum I told you-" "Nuh uh, get dressed I'll be there in thirty minutes. Nicole is doing this boat party for the girls." "But-"

"No buts. Your butt better be waiting for me outside."

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