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We were sitting down on a curb when headlights approached us

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We were sitting down on a curb when headlights approached us. We stood as the cars come to a stop and the Fisher boys raced towards us. "Belly are you ok?" Jeremiah asked as he got to Belly. "Trust me, to night is the night." Tatum whispered before Conrad got to us. "You two ok?" "

Would be a lot better if we had some clothes, but you know." I nod up at him, a faint smile on my lips. "If I wasn't naked I would slap you and then hug you." "Tatum."

"What? People deserve a good slap in the face every once in a while." Tatum shrugged. "Well I come bearing gifts, that I hope will earn me no slap in the face." Conrad smiled, holding up the bag of our clothes.

"Our savior. Belly, Taylor come. You two make yourselfs useful." Tatum spoke as she took the bag from Conrad as he and Jeremiah held each end of the tarp up as we all changed on the other side. I love Tatum so much, she's all the best parts of me. And all she has ever tried to do since meeting me is better me.

I'll never forget how we met.

I was struggling to pick a colors for my design and being the confident outgoing person she was, she dropped what she was doing and said where the perfect fabrics for my design were and that she was watching me make it and she loved how my brain worked.

She stopped her project to help me because she said my design was worth it. And because of her my design was featured on freaking GiGi Hadid. I don't think I would have survived in New York without her.

"No peaking." She barked as we all slipped our clothes on. Once we were dressed Tatum an I rode with Conrad while Belly and Taylor got in Jeremiah's car. The whole ride to Tatum's house Tatum and I were screaming our lounges out the Kendrick Lamar and Frank Ocean.

Conrad having the biggest smile on his face as he soaked in the chaos that is me and Tatum. "Ok, ok. Don't pull off. I mean it. I'll be right back." Tatum laughed as she rushed inside. Tossing my head back on the seat I turn my head to take in my beautiful boy. To find he was already looking at me. "Thank you for coming to get me." I smile.

"I'll always come and get you." "I've missed you." I breathe, my smile fading away. "I've missed you too." He speaks reaching for my hand and he uses his thumb to trace patterns on the back of my palm. "Still love me?" I ask, it takes a few seconds for me to meet his eyes... "Always. I'm sorry I was a dick Star, it's been my default lately." He sighed.

"You were going through a lot already, you still are, and I just came along and made your even fuzzy headed fuzzier. Stop apologizing Conrad. Being sad isn't a crime." "Okay," He breathes, "Still, I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Well...I could think of a place you could start." I smirk, speaking in a flirty tone. Conrad Fisher has always turned me on, and now I'm finally gonna do something about it, as if on cue Tatum walked back up to the car.

"Here. Good luck. I love you." Tatum smiled, handing me a small pink pouch before she skips back into her house. The whole car ride to my house was silent, the sexual tension was thick.

From him putting his hand on my thigh to me shifting in my seat, and from how tightly Conrad began to grip the steering wheel. When we pulled up to my house my mothers car wasn't I'm the driveway. "Connie." My voice trembled, I wanted something I couldn't take, I needed to ask. But I didn't know how to with words. Everything about my life in New York screamed sex.

The way I walked, talked, dressed, and worked. But yet I have yet to experience it. I waited too long for this.

"Star." His voice came out in sort of a plea, like he didn't want to push me. But I wanted to be pushed.  "I want you to have something." I smile, as I crawl into his lap. "...Yeah?" "Mhm." I nodded, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"I've been saving it for you for a really long time." I paint lightly as I tilt my head down towards him. Our lips inches apart, when he tilted his head up to connect then I pulled back just a little only to grind my hips down onto his.

A gasp escaped his parted lips as pleasure sparked in my body. The friction was nice but I needed to be closer. "Star." Conrad groaned as his hands came down to my waist helping me find a pace.

My soft breathless moans filled the car as Conrad's mouth came down and attached to my neck. "We can't- we can't do this in here." His kisses became more sloppy as his teeth nipped at my skin and I began to pull at his hair. He was right, but I couldn't stop.

Just a little bit longer... I can feel it...- hey!

I whined as I felt a tight grip on my hips stilling them. "Is your mom inside?" Conrad heaved, we were both breathing so heavily. I couldn't find it in me to form words so I just shook my head.

"Come on." We both climb out of the car scurrying to get inside. We were both so on edge we barely made it past the stairs before we were all over each other. Consumed in a sloppy dirty kiss. Pushing and pulling at one another not being able to get enough.

Getting to my room lust completely took over, our clothes were scattered across the floor in a matter of seconds before he had me spread out on the bed as his head was pinned between my legs. "Conrad." I moaned arching my back pulling him closer to me.

My body is on fucking fire. As Conrad devoured me like I was the last meal he'd ever eat. "You taste so fucking good Star. All this just for me?" "Yes." I gasp when he did something I absolutely loved.

His teeth lightly grazed over my clit right before his mouth came down and his tongue pushed inside of me. I squealed as I felt my walls clench around him. "Don't stop. I'm gonna- Oh my god- Conrad!" I came, long and hard on his face as he soaked up every drop of my orgasam.

I painted as he kissed his way up my body, his hands touching every inch of my skin, memorizing every curve and dip. A satisfied groan came from Conrad's mouth as he locked his lips back on mine.

I could taste myself all over him and I loved it. "Are you sure?" He asked as he pulled away from me. I nodded as I reached to the side and grabbed the pouch Tatum had given to me. There were condoms inside, lots of them.

I still couldn't form any coherent words that didn't come out as moans so I just handed it to him. I could feel him throbbing against my leg, he was big, and begging for some form of release.

I stared up at the glow stars up on my ceiling, I remember the day we put those up. Me and Conrad. He told me I shined brighter than all the stars in the sky. Because whenever he felt lost he'd think of me and I'd led him back to the light.

I gasp as I felt him start to slip inside of me. It hurt. A lot. But I could take it. "You ok?" "Mhm," I simply nod as I screwed my eyes shut trying to breathe through it. "Fuck, you need to relax- ah- or I won't be able to fit."

"Go slow." I gasp as I try to tune out the pain. My nails dig into Conrad's shoulders as his grunts fill the room. He went slow like I asked, but after a certain point, after that pain turned into pleasure he was going to slow.

"Faster." I plead, arching into him. Pure bliss scattering through my body, what we were doing was loud, messy, and dirty. Like the way I pulled at his hair when he hit a certain spot, or the way he grounded himself by biting at my neck, or the way we both let out drunken moans as I clenched around him. I loved every second of it, and I didn't want it to end, I wanted to be closer to him. "So good."

"Star I'm gonna cum." Comrad groaned, his thrust were becoming sloppy and I felt him twitch inside of me. God did this man know how to fuck. "Yes." I moaned, I was close to. A few more rough thrust from him and me dragging my nails up his back set us both off, loud and hard. Collapsing on top of me Conrad and I both struggle to catch our breaths.

"I love you." Conrad paints into my neck. "I love you." I smiled, running my fingers through his hair as he drew invisible shapes against my skin. And we stayed like that for a while until we both fell asleep.

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