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This wasn't as bad as I thought

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This wasn't as bad as I thought. I mean who doesn't love free food and booze. All the while sending flirty texts with Conrad.

Belly was here she brought some girl, I don't really know the right time to actually introduce myself. The sun had set and now we were sitting around playing never have I ever.

"Ok, put a finger down if you've ever had sex." I happily did not put a finger down as I watched the mood on Belly's face change as she still had all ten fingers up. "Star really? Half of Cousins wants a night with you and you're telling me you haven't." Nicole gasped.

"Nope." I speak prominently. "If you've ever been to third." I put a finger down.

But everyone's eyes shift to Belly and she was visibly embarrassed from her lack of experience but she tried to play it off. "Put a finger down if you've ever been to second." She still has yet to put a finger down. Poor baby, just end your misery and lie.

"Put a finger down if you've ever made out with Jeremiah Fisher." Her friend saves her.

As GiGi and Tatum put a finger down, shyly Belly did too, making everyone gasp and laugh as she filled us in. Looks like he took my advice. "I guess I've always had this weird feeling there was something going on with you and Conrad. Guess I had the wrong brother." Belly nodded as she dragged her eyes over and looked at me. One thing led to another and we ended up at Hopper's Cove.


"You're such a slut." Tatum whispered as she splashed me in my face. We were skinny dipping in Hoppers Cove, tonight was fun. "Was there ever really any competition when he was mine to begin with." "Nicole. Come, someone's texting you." GiGi called her back to shore. "You should talk to Belly, she's really sweet."

"I guess, I mean i've never really spoken to her." I sigh. "Belly." I smile as me and Tatum swim over to her and her friend Taylor. "Yeah." "I know you know." I smile at her. "Know what?" Taylor asked. "You know when you visited and Conrad was always sneaking off?" "Yeah to meet some girl Jer thought was a figment of his imagination." Taylor laughed.

"Hi, I'm Starlight. The figment of Conrad's imagination." I tease. "What? Wow, ok... You are not what I expected you to be." Taylor smirked. Our conversation got cut off by headlights shining in our faces. "I knew they were bitches." "What the fuck." "What's happening?" Belly asked as Taylor and Tatum swam towards the dock.

"Taylor what's going on?" "They took everything, except for our phones, which Star's has a cute little message from Conrad." Tatum answered with a smile. "What?!" I gasp as Belly and I swim towards them. That spiteful ass bitch.

"Could I be your date to the ball?" Tatum reads the message out loud. "...Is that an infinity necklace?" Belly asked looking down at the necklace I wore. "Yeah. It was a gift from Conrad." I smile at the thought but her face drops. "Hey guys, what about that?" Tatum asks, pointing at a tarps. "Great."


"Can't we just call Conrad." Tatum groaned. Me and her wer wrapped in a tarp together while Belly and Taylor were together. "No. This is two embarrassing." I whine. We were walking a little ahead of the other to girls. "I kind of like this look on you?"

"What naked?" I questioned. "No. Happy. So in love you're nervous." "Me? Nervous? What!? No?" "Then call Conrad." "But Tatummmmm. I'm naked." "Exactly Star. You're in your beautiful caramel birthday suit. Might I remind you your mother nor your brother are home." I playfully gasp understanding what she was hinting at.

"You dirty dirty girl." "What can I say, this red head loves getting her-" "Ok I get it." I laugh. "Call him. I wanna go home Star." "Ugh fine." "Yay." "I'm calling Conrad." "I'm calling Jeremiah." Me and Belly spoke at the same time.


Conrad and Jeremiah were sitting on the stairs of a party when Nicole bursted in

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Conrad and Jeremiah were sitting on the stairs of a party when Nicole bursted in. "I need to talk to you. In private." "Okay, wish me luck." Conrad nodded as he got up and followed Nicole outside. "What's up?"

"I was at Hopper's Cove with the girls, and I saw your text to Starlight. You straight up lied to me. Actively impassively lied to me. Using me as a back up or some toy to make her jealous. Letting me think that this could actually be something. Making up this whole story about how your mom wants you to take Belly to the ball but then you turn around and ask Star."

"Look Nicole-" "No! Just stop it. I've been spending all summer trying to figure this out, whatever this is. But it's always been about her, god I should  have listened to Tatum. And I'm so annoyed with myself for getting caught up in this because  I know better." Nicole ranted.

"I've just been trying to get my shit together and it just happened I was planning on talking to you tomorrow. I never meant to hurt you."

"Hurt me? Please. You didn't hurt me, you wasted my time. There's a difference. A lot of guys wanna be with me, Conrad. I've got this hot college guy from Oxford who's obsessed with me. He actually knows what he wants." "Ok."

"Ok?" "I'm not going to sit here and make excuses, they're not gonna change anything. But I apologize because I should have said something the second she walked back into my life, because she's always been something more." 

Nicole sighs before going to her car grabbing a bag before stepping back up to Conrad. "Your girlfriend and her friends are gonna need this." Nicole spoke, dropping the bag in Conrad's hands before leaving. Looking inside he saw clothing, and as if on cue his phone rang.


smut warning on the next chapter
if that's something ur not comfortable
with proceed with cation

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