One Woman Army

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        So....This is my newest storyline (To answer your question, no. I haven't finished one.) I tend to write about whichever game I am currently obsessing about be it PC or mobile.  Currently? Fallout 4. I had heard they were filming a new series, Netflix I think, based on Fallout 3. This latest piece of crap is going to be a collection of stories with my main character, Kira Langley, and I might not always post in order, but I will try to put the story in order when I post it, if that makes any sense.... anyway.  Hope you enjoy as I much as I like writing it, and Happy Reading!

"Why is it that you seem excited to take out a ghoul nest, General?" Preston waited to speak until we were out of earshot of the settlement. Country Crossing was a small farming community of only a couple people, but they had asked the Minutemen for help which was what brought us to the Eastern part of the Commonwealth.

"It's not -just- a Ghoul Nest." My mind was racing with possibilities I hadn't even bothered to entertain before, so certain was I that the area had already been scavenged to nothing.

"I'm still waiting for the punchline..." I stopped abruptly in what remained of the roadway and turned to face Preston. Preston Garvey isn't what you would call classically handsome, but his perfect coffee complexion was unusual for the time, what with the radiation and polluted waterways. He sounded a bit put out, most likely because of me, and he looked a bit surly as I waited for him to come along side me. I at least had the presence of mind to think about the way I was speaking, even with my excitement.

"I'm sorry, Preston." The Minuteman in front of me looked surprised that I apologized as I continued. "I'm kinda used to holding my cards a bit close to the chest. Let me explain as we travel." Preston nodded as we continued down the road toward the ruined US Army National Guard Post. Time passed slowly as we walked, the early morning air crisp but it wasn't cold yet, even for December. I was partially lost in thought when Preston cleared his throat, prompting me to respond.

"So. How much do you know about me?"

Preston paused a minute to think, taking his time before he spoke.

"Well, you were frozen in a Vault for over 200 years, and are looking for your nephew and the person who killed your brother."

"That's all you got?"

"Umm...Your hair and eyes are a different color than when you were frozen?" Preston shrugged. "That's all you've said, but I've seen more."


"You will bend over backwards to help out a friend, and god forbid someone makes you an enemy. You take your time to think through your options before making a decision, and I don't think I've met anyone who can match your abilities in combat." I could hear the wealth of respect in the man's tone, and it embarrassed me just a bit to hear.

"Well, thanks Preston but I don't think I'm that great." I stopped his protest before he could make one, my voice quieter than it had been. "I think I've killed too many people to qualify." I could see the questions in his eyes, the curiosity burning brightly.

"What do you mean?"

I sighed wearily, glancing at the man next to me.

"I engineered power armor for the military, and I fought in the Battle of Anchorage before the Great War. Take your pick. Whether you count the deaths I had a hand in personally, or you choose to go with the lives a suit of my armor has killed, and then multiply that by oh....I don't know....the entire Allied army. I'm sure either of those would qualify me for a ticket straight to hell. I mean regardless of the sheer number of enemy troops I personally had a hand in killing, you could probably add in all the deaths I am sure were caused by my armor as well." My tone was bitter but resigned. I had to think about the number of men who were saved by my modifications and protection upgrades, not those who would be killed by those same men. I stepped over a broken piece of pavement, barely seeing it as I remembered what was now the distant past. "I was a Power Armor engineer and test pilot. I officially retired from the Army about 6 months before the world went to Hell. And yeah. I saw a LOT of combat..." I caught Preston's open-mouth surprise and smirked a bit at his reaction.

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