Premonitions and a Date Night

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Y/N woke Saturday morning and smiled at Hermione next to him. She always looked like an Angel when she slept. So peaceful, so beautiful. He looked across at their four smaller fur babies, asleep in their small area designed for them by the Room and smiled even wider.

"How did I get so lucky?" He asked himself rhetorically. He carefully and slowly untangled their bodies, desperate to let his sweetheart sleep, and once having removed himself from her vice like grip, leant down and kissed Hermione on the cheek. She smiled in her sleep as she reached out to grab for him unconsciously, instead finding a pillow.

He escaped to the workout area the Room always provided and jumped up, gripping the hanging bar tight with one hand, placing the other behind his back.



Following his strenuous workout he jumped in the shower and was happy when he heard the curtain open and hands grip his torso from behind.

"Morning beautiful" he smiled, turning and kissing Hermione sweetly.

"Morning darling" she smiled back into the kiss, the water cascading over them.


The couple sat happily at breakfast as their friends approached, first Lavender, then Ron and Harry. Y/N smiled at the pair who never ever looked happy in the morning.

"So you're heading to Hagrid's at 9:20 love?" Hermione asked, finishing her oatmeal.

"I am. I'm riding Sköll out to the Centaur camp and I'll apparate back. Meet you here for lunch at 12?" Y/N asked smiling.

Hermione nodded.

"Lavender and I are going to the library after breakfast. What about you two?" Hermione finished looking at Harry and Ron.

"We're going to go ride Harry's Firebolt" Ron said happily, Y/N rolling his eyes and shaking his head while chuckling.

At close to twenty past Y/N squeezed his girlfriend's waist where his arm was wrapped.

"You guys want to see something cool?"

The friends nodded and followed the couple as they got up and left the breakfast hall. They walked down to Hagrid's and he was out the front feeding Fang.

"Mornin'" He called out happily as the group of friends approached. They greeted him back before Y/N took the lead as always, shaking Hagrid's hand.

"So you thought more about what Albus and I spoke to you about Hagrid?"

Hagrid chuckled.

"Still makes me laugh hearing yer call the Headmaster tha'. But yeah. Yer right. If yer can fin' him and he's happy that's ok."

Y/N smiled and nodded. Hermione tapped his shoulder puzzled.

"I'll explain at lunch love. New baby."

Hermione giggled and nodded.

"Now the exciting part I promised you all. You ready Hagrid?"

The half giant nodded as Y/N turned to his friends.

"You three over next to Hagrid. No sudden movements. Hagrid probably best to put Fang away."

Hagrid nodded and opened his front door- Fang happily running inside. Y/N unsheathed his wand and waved it in a circle, opening a portal as he held it with his free hand and called out.


The others watched first amazed and then in horror as a huge beast walked through the portal. It wasn't a wolf, it wasn't a direwolf- it was something else entirely.

For You I Will #4- The Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now