I do.

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Plot: Max and Lucas are getting married :)

Max stared into the mirror, scared for the day. Today was the day. The day, she was going to be become Max Sinclair.

Her dress was simple, but it was beautiful to max. It was a laced top, with a silky white bottom. Her hair was curled, and had a small braid pinned to the side that had flower in it.

The doors open of the room she was in, and Eleven walked in. She placed her hands on the girls shoulders.

"Nervous?" She asked the girl with a smile.

"How'd you know?" Max asked.

"Well one, it's your wedding day." She said and grabbed a tissue, "Two, your bitting your lip and messed up your lipstick."

She smiled a little as El fixed her lipstick. Max was ready for this new chapter of her life, but she was also terrified. Was she going to be enough for Lucas?

The doors opened again, and Steve came into the room, "Show time." He said, smiling at the girls.

"I'll see you out there." El said giving Max a hug and gave Steve a high five, before skipping out the room.

"Ready?" He asked sticking out his arm for the girl.

"As I'll ever be." She said, sucking in a deep breath before locking arms with Steve.

She chose Steve to walk her down the isle, she didn't talk to he father and she was pretty close to Steve, considering she's fought monsters with him.

The song came on, signaling it was time for Max and Steve to make their appearance. The two walked out the room, arms interlocked.

Lucas placed his hand over his mouth as tears flooded his eyes looking at the beautiful girl in front of him. Max wore the biggest smile on her face when she stood in front of Lucas.

Steve hugged the girl, then patted Lucas's back before taking his seat in between Robin and Dustin. Lucas grabbed Max's hands into his own as the priest talked.

Finally, it was time for the vows.

"Max Mayfield." He began, "You have impacted my life in an amazing way. We've been through so much, more than any kid should have to inexperience at our age but you some how always manage to get me to smile. I'm not sure what you saw in thirteen year told me, I was tall, lanky and very weird, but whatever as you saw I'm glad you did. I just wanted to know who 'Madmax' was and how the hell they had the highest score in dig dug but I'm so very happy you turned out to be 'Madmax' my 'Madmax' I will forever love your red hair and bright blue eyes, your freckles and your weird laugh, and your beautiful smile, but most of all I will always love you. I'm so glad you came into you came into my life. I love you." He ended.

"Maxine, your turn." Priest said turning to the girl.

The crying girl nodded her head, "I'm not sure what to say, but thank you. Thank you for letting me know what if feels like to be loved. Thank you for letting me experience happiness even in my saddest times. Thank you for letting me experience the greatest days my life, Lucas. Going through life here in Hawkins has definitely been a struggle, but you were their constantly, even if we weren't on the best terms. My life turned upside down, on July fourth, 1985 but your were there to turn it right side up. I'm so glad I let my walls down and chose you. And I will continue to choose you Lucas Sinclair, over and over until I die. I know I'm a lot to handle so I want to thank you for putting up with me all these years. I want to thank you for loving me. And I want you to know, I will forever love you, Lucas. There will never be a day where I don't love you, because you are my number one. You are my person, and I'm so glad you are. I love you stalker. " She finished.

"Do you, Lucas Sinclair take Maxine to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The old man's asked.

Lucas nodded a proud nod, "I do."

"And Maxine Mayfield, do you take Lucas to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked her girl.

"I do." She said with a smile.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife!" The preist.

Lucas grabbed Max by the waist before pressing his lips to her. Max placed her hands behind his neck, smiling into the kiss. They broke away intertwining their fingers as they walked down the isle together.

"Mr and Mrs.Sinclair everybody!" Then preist cheered.

Everyone stood up and clapped for the young couple.  They received many hugs that night.

"Congratulations, you deserve it Max, especially after all the you've been through." Mike told her as he hugged her.

"Thank you, Wheeler." She smiled at him.

"Maybe in was kinda of a shitty friend growing up." He said laughing.

"Kinda?" Max question as she laughed with him.

"You got a good one, kid. Treat her good." Steve told Lucas as they watched her talk with the their group of friends, "Girls are strange."

"Your girls are strange, but mine? She's perfect." Lucas told Steve proudly.

"Yeah yeah, go be with her, I'll sill beat you up, even if you are a little taller than me now." He told the young man.

Lucas smiled at him before walking over to his new wife. Steve smiled at the two, he remembered when they were just kids. Two small thirteen year olds who knew nothing about love but here they were, married.

"Gosh they grow up fast." Steve said kinda of sadly, walking over to Nancy and Robin, as he remembered the baby faces those darn kids had. 

Remember it very clearly, because he was always the damn babysitter, but he was damn good at it too.

*** Not going to lie, Steve end part made me sad! Momma Steve is currently crying bc his babies are all grown up.

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