Night sky

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Tonight was Friday, meaning the party could have yet again, another sleepover. Usually, they were held over at Mikes house, but they were getting their kitchen fixed so the kids couldn't stay there.

With the help of Dustin's amazing begging skills, Steve gave in an allowed them to use his house as the sleep over spot until Mikes basement was open again.

Because his parents were never home, he took down their mattress and placed it in the living room for the girls, the boys could sleep on the floor.

"Alright you little shits, I'm going to bed. Don't break anything, don't kill each other and please, do not be loud!" He said pointing his finger at Dustin, "I'm talking to you Dusty bun."

Dustin gave him a fake smile before rilling his eyes. Steve returned it as he walked up the stairs.

"Oh, and Robin will be here early because we have work. Don't be alarmed if you hear someone in the kitchen eating some food at five thirty, she gets hungry." He explains before he shuts his room door.

The kids just sat their in silence for a little while before Max spoke up, "Anyone else's care to go raid the kitchen?" The red head for up and went straight into the kitchen.

"You just had four slices of pizza, and you still hungry?" Mike asked, in shock that such small girl like her could eat so much.

"Yeah so? If I'm hungry I'm going to eat, dip shit." She didn't look into the room, but extended her hand in front of the open refrigerator and flipped him off.

The boy scoffed, as he followed his friends into the kitchen. The kids now sat at the kitchen's island and ate a pack of M&M's they found.

Dustin looked over the package as his eyes widen. "Do not touch, property of the chick magnet, aka Steve Harrington." Dustin quickly read.

"Chick magnet?" Lucas asked, squinting his eyes as he thought about that name.

"We ate his snack!" Dustin said.

"Eh, it's almost gone anyways." Max shrugged before finishing the M&M's.

Will shook his head, "Your gonna get us killed." Steve was serious about his snacks.

"What's he gonna do, yell at us? The guy can barley hurt a fly." Max said.

"He chased the fly around the whole house before I killed it." Eleven said.

The kids laughed, remembering that funny memory. Soon they went back into when living room and they all crashed from their sugar rush. All except Max.

Too much was running through her mind. She decided she needed some fresh air and went outside and sat in the lawn chairs of Steve's back yard.

She looked up at the night sky, the start shinning bright. Max has never taken a second to look up at the sky when it was dark. She was constantly on the go so she just never took that time.

This time, she was glad she did. It was beautiful. She smiled softly, as she watched the night sky, listened to the sound of an owl's who. She sat there with her legs tucked into the her chest, letting the coldness of the night's air hit her.

"Cant sleep?" A voice from behind made her jump. She turned around and say Lucas wrapped in a blanket.

She placed her hand on her chest, "Damnit stalker you scared me!" She let out a huge breath as Lucas sat beside her in the chair.

"Sorry." He let out a breathily laugh as he wrapped the blanket around him and her. "What's wrong?"

"I just have a lot on my mind right now, but I'm okay now." She said, resting her head on his shoulder.

He laid his head on top of hers, as their backs rested against the back of the chair, "Did you want to talk about it?" He asked, the two talked a lot about what happened in their lives .

"No." She said softly, "Just stay here with me?" She asked softly.

She couldn't see it, but Lucas smiled softly, "Always." He whispered, wrapping the blanket around them tighter.

His arms rested around her waist as the two dozed off to bed.


"Aww look how cute!" A voice said. Lucas forced his eyes to stay shut and decided to listen to them.

"Why are they out here?" Another said, which he believed to be Steve.

"I don't know dingus." Robin, that makes sense.

"I have the sudden urge to dump a bucket off water on them." Mike says, Lucas knew that sarcastic tone anywhere.

"Max would kill you." Dustin said.

"Literally." Will added.

Mike didn't listen though, he grabbed a bucket from the shed and scooped a bunch of pool water. He quickly dumped on the sleeper couple, making Max spring up.

"What the hell!" She screamed, turning around and seeing every one and around them , "Why the hell are you guys just standing their like a bunch of

The kids pretended like they were doing stuff. Steve and Robin even pretended to hold a conversation without one teasing the other .

"Who dumped the water?" Lucas asks as he sat in his cold, wet and uncomfortable clothes.

"Mike!" Everyone pointed at him, they were scared of Max and her wrath.

"Wow, okay, thanks for throwing me under the bus." He throws his hands into the air with an eye roll.

"What the hell is wrong with you! It's freezing." Max says, wrapping the blanket around her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dustin says.

"Excuse me?" Max says as her eyes rise.

"Yeah, Henderson's right." Steve says nodding his head, "It's the middle of winter and you two slept outside? It's forty degrees." He says, running his hands through his precious hair.

"Seems.." Will trails off. He didn't know exact what to say, even thought he knew what he wanted to say.

"Sketchy?" Robin tried, really trying to sound less mean.

Max shakes her head, "What ever your think, stop thinking it. I couldn't sleep and Lucas came out here to find me."

"Yeah, get your heads out the clouds, will ya? Max just needed some fresh air I guess? I had woken up and couldn't find her until her saw her out here last night." Lucas explains.

"Okay, so why didn't you two come back inside?" Mike asks.

"Yeah!" Eleven adds, desperately wanting to be apart of the conversation.

"We fell asleep." Max shrugs.

"So you really didn't do anything?" Steve asks, really wanting them to confirm.

"Yes, Steven! We're fourteen. Get out the gutter, nasty." Max said rolling her eyes as she stood up, holding her hand out for Lucas, "Let's go Don Juan."

He took her hand with a smile before the two walked off.

"Don Juan?" Steve looked around, "Hey, we're do you to think your going?!" He shouted at the kids.

"To change since Wheeler dumped water on us!" Max called back, slamming the sliding door shut.

The kids shrugged, following them inside. "Such weirdos." Lucas said as he sat on the couch in dry clothes.

"Indeed." Max nodded.

*** sorry, late post! I've been busy with my homework and volleyball practice.

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