5~Party (part 4)

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Tsunami said he wanted to go again and instead grabbed an unsuspecting Tachimukai to sing 'Wannabe' because, of course.
I was really glad that I did that. Hiroto walked over to me and said that my singing was absolutely incredible. I tried to hide the blush that was creeping up on my face. "Thanks." I mumbled.
"I didn't know you could sing so well." He commented. I shrugged my shoulders, trying to act cool "Well you know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover!"
Hiroto laughed "Yes I suppose that's right. I never get tired of your sayings Ryuuji."
I smiled, I was worried maybe he'd find that little habit of mine annoying by now.

I needed to ask him, after all, 'nothing ventured nothing gained'.
Suzuno was right, one of us needed to confess.
'Okay now's the time to do it, time to tell him, don't hold back; just do it, NOW!'
Nothing came out.
"Is everything alright Midorikawa?" Hiroto asked, giving me a strange look.
"Uh I'm fine!" I lied flailing my arms.
"Hey I'm gonna get some snacks, you want something?" He said walking over to the kitchen where the massive array of food was.

'Why was this so hard? I was fine a few minutes ago, now I've just gone in a full circle again!' I thought to myself frustratedly. Just then I remembered that he had asked me a question "Umm yeah, thanks." I said before he could once again notice my silence.

I shuffled over to the sofa and plopped myself on it defeatedly, Genda noticed this asking if I was okay. "Yeah I'm just...tired you know." I lied, he looked over at the clock that hung on the wall "Well it is rather late." He concluded making me aware that it was almost 3am. It didn't feel like we'd been here that long at all, I guess time really does fly when you're having fun- which I'm not having at all.

"Uhnn...think we should be going Gennn?" Sakuma mumbled, snuggling into his boyfriend's arms, his drunken state clearly exhausting him. "Oh yeah, the family's coming round tomorrow aren't they? Shoot! I totally forgot. Guess we better be off then." Genda replied getting up and practically having to pull Sakuma up with him, over to the hosting couple to tell them that they were leaving. Fudou and Kidou had to go too because they were carpooling.

Hiroto arrived just in time to say goodbye before they all left. He placed a small plate of samosas in front of me. I was really hungry (especially for Suzuno's incredible home-made samosas) but I just didn't have the stomach for it, the butterflies making me feel absolutely sick. By this time some of the others had realised the time as well.

Tsunami and Tachimukai were the next to leave followed by Goenji and Fubuki and Afuro who would've stayed but again carpool issue. "I'll have to love you and leave you Mido! But we'll catch up on Monday okay!" He promised, giving me a big hug before he left, I was surprised he was still rather sober, he's always the one that gets drunk first out of all of us.
Fubuki sighed, placing his phone back in his pocket "I really thought he might turn up." He said softly and Gouenji placed an arm around his shoulder. "Still nothing?"
"Yeah, I've texted him a bunch of times but- I don't know, I guess he's not back in the country yet." Fubuki stated rather sadly, Gouenji rubbed his shoulder "Don't worry Shirou, as soon as he's back I'm sure you'll be the first to know." He said as they headed out of the room.
'What was that about?' I wondered before realising I had issues of my own to worry about.

There was only a few of us left now so I decided I should leave, I mean I had to get the bus after all. I thought about just calling a cab but their fares are so expensive besides I hate having to make small talk with the taxi drivers, it's the most exhausting thing in the world. Yep, I'd rather wait in the rain for the bus than interact with another human being right now. I had hardly touched anything on my plate as I walked over to Suzuno and Nagumo to announce my departure.

"Well I better be going too then if everyone else is leaving." Hiroto's voice came from behind me. I said my goodbyes anyway and quickly slipped on my shoes. Suzuno told me that he would give me back my clothes when he had dried them and I smiled gratefully.
'Make sure you give his clothes back too, and the others you've taken from him...' I had to make a quick mental note of that.

I walked out into the cold night and tried my best to keep warm. Somehow Hiroto managed to leave at the exact same time which meant I had to watch him step into his car - my final chance to talk to him was about to leave.

"Ryuuji?" I cringed internally at the  call of my name "Where are you going?"
"Oh just to the bus stop." I replied, trying to gain my composure back. Hiroto had a look of concern on his face "But it's freezing out-you're shivering, no way I'm going to let my best friend freeze his butt off waiting for the bus! I'll drive you home okay?"

He was right, but I didn't fancy being stuck with him for such a long time...then again, if (by some miracle) I actually had enough courage to tell him how I feel the I guess this would be the best time to do it. I weighed up the possibilities. Then Hiroto gave me a small smile and I just melted.

"O-only if, it's not too much trouble..."

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