First her mom dies. Things only go downhill from there. Alongside raising her new siblings, Junco must navigate the now dangerous waters of life as a Wanderer. Death and feelings are the worst kind of problems.
Oriole was always very cheerful, and...
Blood was filling the moss faster than she could bring it. Her healer, Snapdragon, turned away from the dying cat for just a second to yowl, "Go get more now!"
Junco turned and ran out of the small den, frantically searching the nearby brush for more moss. Her paws skid on the smooth rock and she nearly fell but managed to right herself. Stopping by a stump, she ripped out the little moss clinging to the inside. Running back to the kitting den she had come from, she passed her sister, Static. The gray she-cat seemed confused, "What's going on?"
Not stopping to explain, Junco motioned with her tail and Static started to follow. Having arrived at the den, she thrust her way in and dropped the moss. Her mother had stopped spasming in the nest she was lying in. Snapdragon looked down, unable to meet her eyes. Junco tentatively padded towards her mother as Static entered the den.
"Mom? Amber?" Touching her nose to her mother's cheek, she felt the crushing despair sink in and her fur spiked out. "MOM! MOM! NO, WAKE UP!"
"Junco! Calm down please! I couldn't save Amber but the kits are still here! I need you to help me," Snapdragon stared at her, eyes pleading.
Junco looked around the den, hadn't Static entered? Why would she leave now? She could have helped! And mom...
Breaking out of her thoughts, she began to lick the yellow kit. There were two, the other gray and white, closer to the color of her own pelt. The calming rhythm of strokes calmed the kit as well as her. Her mind cleared, her breathing slowed, and her fur relaxed along her spine.
After what seemed like hours but was likely a few minutes at most, her father, Granite, padded into the den. He seemed happy but his smile quickly disappeared as he viewed the scene. Saying nothing, he rushed to his mate and buried his face in her fur. Granite's whole body shuddered with his sobs as he felt the full force of grief sink in. He finally looked up, barely acknowledging his two new kits, and mewed, "We must tell the others. Amber is gone."
Junco watched as he left before standing and going after him. "You have two kits! Surely you want to meet them before?"
He stared at her, his eyes dull, "I would rather have their mother. Who knows what kind of cats these kits will be? I knew Amber was a kind and gentle cat but nothing is certain about their future! I want nothing to do with the cats that killed my mate."
She stopped following him. Her mouth had opened with shock as she bristled. Anger flared and she yowled at him, "Killed her? The kits did nothing! If it was any cat's fault, it would be yours! What kind of father are you?!"
"Junco! You don't know anything! Maybe you will understand if you ever have kits, but in this situation, it would be you that's dead!"
"You don't know either! I want nothing to do with you!"
Junco turned and stalked back to the small den. It was beginning to reek of death. The kits were both mewling, seemingly scared by her argument outside. Snapdragon looked at her with both pity and mild confusion.
"I think we should move the kits," the small medicine cat mewed, "It smells terrible in here now. The hollow tree a few tail lengths away should be good."
Nodding, Junco picked up the yellow kit and began making her way to the tree. As she was walking, a ginger and black she-cat joined her. Oriole had grabbed the gray kit and was padding along beside her. Mumbling around the kit's scruff she said, "Where are we taking them? Snapdragon just told me to follow you."
"The hollow tree."
Oriole nodded, careful not to jostle the kit. They got to the tree and Junco set her kit down. Oriole followed suit and turned to notice that Blizzard was walking up with some moss. "Snapdragon told me to get moss for bedding and Static is going to get some ferns and feathers to make it soft."
"She's been telling a lot of cats what to do today it seems, I'm glad she's taken charge..." Oriole mewed quietly. She didn't finish her thought but Junco knew what she was going to say. Nobody else is up to it, without her nothing would be happening. Everyone is just numbly following her instructions.
Blizzard walked off into the woods waving his tail goodbye, presumably going to hunt. With both kits nestled into the moss, Junco looked around for Static. Where is she? Why did she leave us in the den? Oriole, noticing her discomfort and concern, began to groom her back with long strokes. "Hey, it's going to be okay, Static will come with the feathers and we can take care of the kits."
"I know. It's just... has she been acting weird lately? I haven't seen much of her and she left while–"
"Hey, I got the feathers and ferns Snapdragon asked for!" Static announced as she arrived at the hollow tree. "Where is father?"
Junco wrinkled her nose with distaste, "Granite left. He wants nothing to do with the kits. The foxheart went to tell Branch about Amber."
Static snorted, "I wouldn't want kits either."
"Static!" Oriole was almost growling, her claws digging into the earth.
"Whatever. I brought the soft stuff you needed, and now I am going to leave."
And with that she stalked out of the tree. In the distance she could see Branch helping Granite carry Amber's body out of the kitting den. This brought a fresh wave of grief, helping the kits had temporarily distracted her, but it could no longer.
Junco felt like her world was ending. She thought about how she would never again hear her mother's soothing voice or go hunting with her through the wild hills they wandered. What will I do without you, mother? How could you leave?
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Amber in the Afterlife By LiilaccLilly on deviantART