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Christmas was close, but Minjeong didn't feel like celebrating it. She was too sad to do so. She barely had any energy to go to college, but anxiety was crumbling her like a rock on top of a cookie. So, she had to go. She would have been harsh on herself if she didn't.

It was the morning of December 19th. It was Saturday, so Minjeong was able to stay in bed for longer. As the clock hit 8:30 am, Minjeong got up from her bed and went straight into the bathroom.

She didn't have any energy, but she had to take care of herself, otherwise she would feel dirty. After her morning routine, she went to her closet to pick a suitable outfit for the cold weather.

"A sweater and a pair of jeans would have to do..." The short girl sighed at the view of her clothes.

Once she got all dressed up, she got her keys, phone and wallet and left her rented apartment. She didn't have a plan to go anywhere. She just wanted to get out of her home. She always felt like the rooms were getting smaller every time she was in there, doing nothing.

She thought of herself as if she is the laziest person in this world. She hated herself for that.

As she was mindlessly walking around the city, she spots a newly opened pastry that wasn't too busy. Minjeong knew that if she went in there, she wouldn't be able to control herself and she would order something. She didn't want to gain anymore weight.

Even though her brain told her not to go, she went anyway. She wanted to at least smell the delicacies that were served there.

Once the short girl opened the door, the strong scent of chocolate and coconut invaded her nostrils. The place was filled with good vibes, which Minjeong loved. She put herself in the short line and got out the wallet from her pocket.

After a few minutes, she was finally in front of the line. She looked at the goods in front of her and decided on one piece of cake.

"Hello, could I get a piece of the blueberry and vanilla cake?" Minjeong asked, staring at the cake, instead of the person in front of her.

"Would you like a caramel macchiato with the cake?" The girl in front said, which instantly got Minjeong's attention.

When the short haired girl saw the respective person in front of her, she almost fainted. Well, not really. But you get what I mean.

"Yu Jimin? You work here?" Minjeong said as her eyes were growing wider.

"Well, yes." She said nonchalantly.

Jimin's hair was tied in a clean bun, with a few rebel strands of hair that were leaning onto her neck. Minjeong was shocked at the beauty which Jimin possessed. She didn't realize how pretty the latter was until now.

"So, only the piece of cake?" Jimin asked, making the girl snap out of whatever she was thinking.

"Yes." The younger responded shortly.

"Are you eating it here? 'Cause if you are, my break is in three minutes and we could hang out." Jimin said as she served the latter while looking at her watch.

"Yeah, I am."

"Alright. See you in three!"

Minjeong chose a table that was far from the other people. She put the cake onto the sage colored table and took two plastic forks. She didn't take a single piece of the cake, until Jimin could come to her.

"Say, do you like Vanilla?" Minjeong asked as she handed the fork to Jimin.

The taller looked confused. But accepted the fork in the end.

"You bet!"

Love yourself, then me ~» WinrinaWhere stories live. Discover now