chapter 4.

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♡Wanda's pov:♡

After taking a deep breath, and just hugging Eva for a bit until she calmed down. I decided that maybe, food could wait.

My bab- Eva, I mean Eva needs to see Bruce for her wounds and other things. So much to my dismay I slowly separated myself from Eva.

"Hey sweet girl.." I whisper gently while cupping her face gently.

"Hmm?" She hums looking at me with those big green eyes.

"How would you like to go see one of my friends hun? So he can help you with your owies" I asked.

She just looked at me, with an unsure expression on her face. I knew inside her head she was deciding whether or not she wanted to.

"Ba' ma'?" She asked with a fearful look in her eyes.

I immediately began shaking my head "No no no sweetheart, he's not a bad man I promise baby. He's really nice and he likes helping people like I helped you princess".

She took a moment to think about what I said until eventually she opened her mouth to speak.

"Wans, come wif Eva?" She asked with a hopeful look in her big emerald eyes.

"Yeah, of course princess. I will always be here whenever you need me okay?" I smiled softly.

"Otay…" she mumbled.

She reached her tiny hands up to me, silently asking me to pick her up. I smiled then stood up and gently scooped her into my arms.

I made my way towards my bedroom door, then I opened and closed it. We were now outside in the hallway, I took a small moment to wonder if I would need anything before leaving.

I shrugged to myself, then continued on my way towards the elevator. Eva remained silent for most of the elevator ride.

Bruce's laboratory was just a few floors below Nat and I's. I would've taken Eva to dr.cho in the infirmary instead but she's out on holiday at the moment.

So Bruce was the next best thing. As soon as the elevator arrived at Bruce's floor, I stepped outside with Eva in my arms, cuddled securely into my side.

I couldn't help but smile, then place a gentle kiss on her soft Auburn hair.

Once I had finally arrived outside two large glass doors,I used my free hand to push one open. As soon as I got inside I was met with tables of blueprints and veils of unknown liquids, and many more things.

"BRUCE?" I called out into the seemingly empty lab. I continued walking until I found another door but this one was made of wood.

I pushed open the door and found more technology and hospital things including what looked like hospital beds. But just as I was about to call out for Bruce again I looked to my right to see someone rummaging around in a cupboard.

"Bruce?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh Wanda hi"he said with a kind smile as he came out from the cupboard.

I smiled back warmly, returning the greeting. I watched as his eyes then landed on Eva.

"Ah, is this the little one I've been hearing about?" He asked, looking at me.

"Oh yeah, Bruce, this is Eva. Eva this is my friend Bruce honey, can you say hi?" I asked gently.

She looked up at Bruce, then almost immediately whimpered and hid in the crook of my neck again.

"Oh I'm sorry, she's just really shy" I explained with an apologetic look.

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