Something fishy

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  Daniel woke up the next morning. His shirt was open and Sofia was sleeping on his chest half naked. He was shocked.
"Could it be that....."
He closed his mouth with his hand.
"No way!"
He pushed Sofia out of his chest. He sat up and looked at Sofia again.
"I hope nothing happened between us last night" He said still looking at Sofia.
Sofia woke up. She smiled "Good morning" she said.
Daniel ignored her because he was still confused.
"Sofi you have to start leaving. It's morning already"
"Why? Can't i stay a little bit longer?"
"No you can't. And besides why are you half naked?"
"Don't you like what you see?"
"Sofia please. It's time for you to leave"
There was a knock on the door. "Daniel!"
"Oh that's my mom you have to do something before she finds you here"
"Aren't you going to ask if something happened between us last night?"
"No time for that. My mom is"
Another knock on the door.
"Daniel! Daniel!" Mrs Rita was getting impatient.
"Yes mom. I'm.. I'm coming wait for me in the dinning table" Daniel said

"Who said I was calling you for breakfast? If you want to have your breakfast you can go ahead. I want to talk to you now. Just open this door".
Daniel looked at Sofia.
"Why don't you hide in the bathroom?" He asked her.
"Why would I hide in the bathroom? What's wrong if she finds me here?"
Daniel pushed Sofia to the bathroom and locked it.
Before then, Mrs. Rita had already opened the door with the spare key.
"Why are you locking the bathroom?" She asked.
"Uh.. I just used the bathroom now so I'm locking it."
"Hm okay, so who were you talking to?" she said looking around.
"Me? No I wasn't talking to anyone."
"Nevermind. Maybe I'm beginning to hear things".
"So mom what did you want to talk to me about?"
"It's about Sofia"
"What about her?"
"Her parents called this morning, and told me that she's not at home. They said that she didn't sleep at home last night. Maybe you might know where she is"
"What! No I ... I  don't know anything. I don't know where she is. Maybe she went somewhere and she will be back."
Daniel said shaking.
"I'm in trouble if they finds out that she spent the night with me" he thought.
Mrs. Rita sensed that her son wasn't telling the truth.
"Oh. Okay. Can I use your bathroom for a moment?" She said to know her son's reaction.
"Eh..uh I want to use it too. Maybe you can just go to the other bathroom downstairs. I want to take my bath now"
"Something is really fishy. You are hiding something from me"
"No mom... What could I possibly hide from you".
"I don't know. But whatever you are hiding just be careful because if I find out myself, it won't end well. I'll leave you now". She said and left.
Daniel watched as she goes downstairs.
He breathes heavily.
"Have you forgotten that you locked someone in the bathroom?"
Sofia said. Daniel immediately locked the door and went to open the bathroom door.
"Thank Goodness you are still alive" he said.
"Yeah it was By the Grace of God".
"You are in big trouble now"
"No we both are in big trouble. You lied to your mom and you think I'll do the same? Nope once I get home, I'll tell my parents where I slept last night"
"What? You are definitely not serious right?"
"Do I look like I'm joking? Of course not".
"No Sofi please don't do this to me. I covered you up, why don't you also do the same?"
Sofia laughed.
"Never. After all, you slept without asking why I came to you. You didn't satisfy me at all, so there's no need covering up for my so called boyfriend".
Daniel stared at Sofia for a while.
"Okay don't cover up for me. I still have my own mouth. I'll tell them why came to my house last night. Just leave please". He said.

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