Serious Teasing

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  Sofia had no other choice than to leave before she causes another problem for Daniel. She quickly wore her clothes while Daniel stares at her.
"Did anything really happened between us last night?". He wondered.
Sofia finished wearing her clothes. She moved closer to Daniel who moved a little backward.
"Hope she's not trying to do anything awkward now?" He questioned himself.
Sofia only wanted to kiss him before she leaves.
"Why do I feel like you are being uncomfortable right now? I'm no longer half naked. What are you afraid of? Besides, we've already..."
"Already what?"
Sofia laughed seeing the seriousness in his face.
"Nevermind, I'll get going".
"No wait." Daniel grabbed her and kissed her.
"Please complete your statement. I'm really confused".
"Confused about what?  That we had sex yesterday night?" Sofia teased.
"Sex?". Daniel asked shockingly.
"Yeah sex.  We had sex yesterday night.  So lovely".
"That can't be possible. I slept early yesterday night".
"I know. But I gave you a sex serum" she said looking serious.
"Sex what? Have never heard of that before"
"Nevermind. I'm going before your mother comes here for the second time. I don't it I can be able to escape it".
"Oh... Ok. Em.. bye"
"Don't worry too much about last night". She said that and unlocked the door and left smiling.
"If only he knew I was just lying. Well I just have to do that to see his reaction once I tell him that I'm also pregnant" she said in her mind.

   Daniel and still shocked.
"That girl is really something else. What if she gets pregnant? Her parents might not take it likely with me. What have I done? Or is she just teasing me?
Absolutely not! She looks serious. What should I do now?".
Daniel not knowing what to do at the moment went and took his bath. He went downstairs to have his breakfast.
"Good morning sir" Anna the maid greeted.
"Morning. Where's my mom?"
"She already left".
Daniel sat down to enjoy his breakfast. But the thought of what Sofia told him didn't allow him to eat.
Anna noticed that he hard berely touched his food.
"Sir are you okay?"
"Yeah sure I'm fine. Thanks for your concern".
Anna smiles.  She knew that something was wrong with Daniel.
"Sir You might be late for work".
"That's right. I think I already lost my appetite. I'll get going".
"Okay sir.  What should I do with the food?"
"I don't know. Whatever that pleases you" Daniel said and left for work.

    Daniel was a little bit late for work. He went straight to his office and sat down. Well he was still not in the mood to talk with anyone. His assistant Jessica was surprised to see him that way.  Jessica always looks for a way to approach Daniel. She loves him so much that she would give up her life for him. But Daniel doesn't want to have anything to do with her other than working with her.
Jessica stared at Daniel for a while.
"Good morning" she said smiling.
"Morning". Daniel replied not really smiling.
"Any problem?"
"No. Just go back to work. This is a personal matter"
"Can't you share it with me? I'm your Assistant"
"I would share it with you if it's about work. Well as it stands now, it's something personal".
"Okay" Jessica said.
"I need some privacy now, I will call you when I need you".
"Okay sir".
Jessica left the office.

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