Out of love

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     Daniel went home very early in the morning. He rang the bell and the maid opened the door for him.
"Good morning sir" Anna said.
"Sir your mom is still awake. She was waiting for you to return."
"Oh okay. Where's she?"
"In the sitting room".
Daniel came in and Anna locked the door.
He met his mom in the sitting. She was really angry.
"Daniel where are you coming from?"she asked.
"Mom something came up"
"Something like what?"
"Em... I... I had an issue with one of my employee. But we've sorted things out" he lied.
"Hm you have really made lying a habit"
"No mom I'm not lying".
"Whatever, let this nonsense never repeat itself".
"Yes mom. I won't do it again"
Daniel went straight to his room and locked the door. He sat on the bed. The thought of what happened between him and Jessica was on his mind.
"That Jessica of a girl is something else. I'm sorry Sofia. I hope you will forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you" he said.
He laid down on his bed facing the ceiling. Soon, he slept off.

        By 8:45am, Daniel woke up. He knew he was already late for work. He took his bath and went to work. His mother was beginning to suspect that something was wrong.
"First, he came back late. Now, he's late for work, and he didn't even care to have his breakfast. I guess he's hiding something from me" she thought.
    Daniel got to work and went to his office as usual. Jessica smiled seeing him. She went to office.
"Good morning"she said smiling.
Daniel looked at her.
"You Devil, what do you want again?" He said in his mind.
"Morning"he replied.
"How was your night?" Jessica asked still smiling.
"Horrible. Please I need to take care of something right now"
"You are just trying to push me away right? Is it because of what happened between us last night?"
"I don't know what you are talking about. Just get out".
"You are not going to fire me right? I did that out of love. Besides, you enjoyed it".
"Jessica enough!. I don't love you okay? What happened between us last night wasn't intentional. You are right, I can't fire you not because you are punctual to work but because my father was the one that employed you before he passed away. If I want to fire you, I will and you can't stop me. Just get out!".
Jessica seeing that Daniel was getting angry, she left.
Daniel watched her as she leaves his office.
"Hm She's more bad than I thought. So she has been pretending to be a good girl just to attract me? Yeah she got what she wanted, why can't she just leave me alone. She did it out of love? Love? Which love? I'm beginning to hate that girl. Anyways, what has happened has happened. There's no going back".
Daniel sighs.

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