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(Idk what genre this is😍)


He's gone, He's fucking gone.

My Eddie, my boyfriend.
I always get my heart broken in relationships, but not like this.
I've always had a thing for getting in toxic relationships, and when I finally found Eddie I was head over heels. He was the guy that I could imagine a future with.
But my future was longer than his, as he died in my arms in the upside down.

Or so I thought.


I was sat in the cafeteria, playing with my food on my plate. It was a daily routine by this point.

I was listening to the others speaking while looking out the window.

Breathe in, breathe out

I looked down at my plate again when I saw something moving outside of the window, I immediately looked up but saw nothing.

It wasn't the shadow people, this feeling was different.
I didn't know how to comprehend the feeling nor identify what it was.
It wasn't necessarily anything bad but not good either, but I was just too curious to let it slide.

So when I stared down at my plate and once again saw that thing in the window, too fast for me to see it normally, I decided it was enough bullshitting.

The cafeteria chair screeched when it was pushed out and fell down to the floor as I stood up, and all eyes were on me.
Usually I would be embarrassed and flip everyone off but I didn't care, for some reason I had such a strong will to see for myself what that thing was that I didn't care about anything else.

Breathe in, breathe out


I walked out of the cafe- no. No I ran out. I fucking ran out of that god forsaken building.

Breathe in, breathe out

Shut up.


I was walking in the forest now, going deeper and deeper.

Breathe in, breathe out


"Hey Y/N"

Breathe in, breathe out

I froze.

That voice.
That soothing, too well known voice.

Was this Vecna?
Was Vecna playing a trick on me?

My mind wanted to turn but my body refused, as if it was too dangerous for me to. As if my body was in it's own mode and I was the player in a cutscene.

Just then a swoosh of wind was blown in my face and there, right in front of my eyes, the guy I loved stood.
I wanted to say something but something wouldn't let me.

"Breathe sweetheart, I'm sorry if I scared you" He spoke and I realised that I was unable to breathe, I knew how to but my whole body was frozen.

Breathe in, breathe out

I saw how he mouthed the words and it was then I realised that the voice in my head was his all along, and I could finally force my chest to work and my heart started pumping blood faster. Relieved that the pressure of it having to work without oxygen was solved.

"Eddie" I spoke so quietly I doubted he could hear it but he smiled so sincerely at me that I had to smile as well.
He then came closer and cupped my cheeks with his hands and rubbed my cheeks with his thumbs, fuck I was crying.

"You died" I said and my smile disappeared as I leaned into his touch. I would've closed my eyes but I was afraid he would be gone when I opened them again, proving my friends suspicion of schizophrenia.

While he was still smiling at me he scoffed once, and I could tell he wanted to cry.

"I didn't die" he paused before speaking again. "I heard everything you said" He finished and he pulled me into him, hugging me carefully as if he was afraid to destroy me underneath his grasp.

I didn't care about an explanation, I was just happy to have him with me. That's why I burst out crying into his black t-shirt while he softly caressed my back. 

"It was all true asshole" I sobbed and his shirt was stained by this point, an ever deeper jet black than it was to begin with.

I could tell he was smiling when I felt the movement in my hair and I smiled as well.

When he died that night I was hoping he was playing a sick prank and would stop if I told him my plans for our future.

"I don't doubt it" He said and finally held me closer, and I was finally brave enough to close my eyes and inhale his missed scent.

"I still sleep in that dirty fucking shirt every night" I sniffed and laughed a bit.

"Oh I know" He chuckles and ran his fingers in my hair, I missed that feeling. "I watch you sleep every night".

I looked up at him with a half confused half disgusted look, and he looked down at me and burst out laughing before hugging me again.

"Sorry, I should've phrased it better" he said and I sighed before laughing.

"Such a creepy thing to say even if you phrased it differently" I scoffed and he shrugged, trying so hard not to smile.

Authors Note
I fully intend on making more parts of this if you all enjoyed this, tell me in the comments!

And of course I had to add that creepy bit, let's not forget Bella was fine with Edward watching her sleep every night.

"Where the hell have you been Loca?" Sorry I've been inactive but I only write here when I have the motivation and want to🖕

Eddie Munson x Reader <OneShots>Where stories live. Discover now