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😏Will pov
Wednesday, 6pm

I had an early dinner so I could spend ages figuring out what to wear and talk to el for emotional support in this tragic time.



El came into the room, I was wearing white baggy jeans with a blue flannel and a grey shirt underneath.

E: "maybe have the flannel untucked..."

E: "wait actually unbutton the flannel and wear it as a jacket"

W: "but it's sleeveless"

E: "it's fashion in the summer will, you don't wear sleeves unless you wanna boil. Plus I'm sure you wouldn't mind borrowing his"

She smirked at me and I turned into a tomato. What was with her and torturing me?

E: "alright time for shoes.."

We looked through my small collection of shoes and after about an hour of bickering and trying on different pairs i decided on a pair of white trainers. They went with the light themed outfit, unlike the black shoes which kinda clashed

El helped me curl my hair up a bit so it wasn't as messy (not heat curls just messing around with hairspray)

E: "oh gosh... you went from bowlcut boy to almost mullet man"

W: "never say that again."

9:20 pm

I heard a knock on the front door and opened it to see Dustin outside

D: "you ready to go?"

I looked at el who was sitting next to me on the sofa, she gave me a nudge and I went with Dustin into his car

D: "who are you dressed up for?"

He held back a smirk and laughed when I replied

W: "I'm not dressed up"

D: "uh-huh sure."

I scoffed and turned the music up on the radio before he could say anything else and he decided to drop it (thank fuck)

Somehow the conversation changed to the fact that he never let me borrow his comic 6 years ago.

W: "remember when we were biking home the night I went missing?"

D: "oh..yeah why?.."

W: "you never let me borrow your fucking comic you snake"

He burst out laughing and we started insulting each other jokingly until we got to the place we were meant to go to? It looked kinda like a school hall?

We got out of the car and I checked my watch. (9:57 pm)

3 minutes early, thats always good

Third person

They walked to a double door and stepped inside. It was a hall decorated in a mix of blues and yellows..

Pls tell me you guys get this LMAO

M: "dustin and Will! Hey"

W: "hello"

D: "let's introduce Will to Eddie and the rest"

Oh gosh.

There was a few random drunks that looked to be around 20 sitting in little groups as if they were ready for a performance. Playing d&d was a performing act now?

Dustin went to talk to some of the guys while Mike took Will backstage to a group of people wearing a shirt with "hellfire" on it.

E: "so, this is the Will Byers mike talks about all the time huh? Looks pretty normal to me"

M: "oh trust me he's not.."

W: "thank you, Mike."


E: "well, anyway. Are you joining hellfire or what?"

W: "I- well I don't know? Should I?"

M: "yeah I mean it's fun and I'd have someone else to pick me up instead of always Dustin"

W: "alright then, I'll join and be a paid taxi"

E: "that reminds me. Mike didn't you beg me to make a shirt for him a few months ago cuz you missed him?"

M: "no- of course not what?"

Mike nudged Eddie and gave him a look to shut up but Eddie couldn't take it seriously

W: "a shirt? Ooh hellfire shirt?"

E: "yup, hang on I'll grab it for you"

Eddie left the little room they were in to go get the shirt

M: "please don't listen to him he's uh, not telling the truth and likes to tease."

Mike quickly introduced the other members that will didn't know to him just in time for Eddie coming back with a hellfire shirt for Will.

E: "do you wanna try it on?"

W: "uh- yeah sure. Thanks"

He awkwardly let Eddie and Mike lead him to the bathroom where he put it on.

M: "Eddie I told you it's gonna be to small now- he's grown a bunch! Couldn't we just make a new one?"

E: "Mike- shh. I want to see how he reacts, it'll be a first impression. If he's annoyed, he's probably a dick, if he's nice about it then he's cool! See, not rocket science"

They bickered a little more until Will came out of the bathroom. His sleeves were rolled up and his arms were stretched infront of him a little.

M: "is it okay?.."

W: "yeah! It's great, thank you..."

M: "sorry about the size, you were smaller when I last saw you.."

W: "Nono it's nice! I appreciate it"

M: "uhm.. can you put your arms down?

W: "..nope"

E: "we'll make you a new one don't worry, go take it off"

Again, credits to the tiktok creator mentioned in the description for this idea!

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