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Mikes POV

He just got home after driving around a little more with Dustin and dropping off Will, and he couldn't sleep, which wasn't new to him

He tried everything, counting to 100, making scenarios in his head, but nothing would work. The numbers got mixed up and the scenarios kept being intruded by other thoughts

That's when decided to go in his basement for a while, maybe he could find something to do there

He walked downstairs to find his parents arguing,they had been doing that a lot lately. Mike just wanted some peace and quiet, wishing they would just get a divorce already. They thought they were doing him holly and nance a favour by staying together, but honestly a divorce would be much appreciated

He sneaked into the basement, luckily not distracting them or being showered with "what are you doing up at this time" questions.

He sat down on the sofa and looked around at the shelves, he hadn't been in here for a while, probably not since him and Will grew apart. Shit he was back to thinking about Will, AGAIN.

He noticed how all of his paintings were still on the wall, Nancy once asked him if he's ever gonna take them down, but of course he said no.

Then he had an idea.

What if he drew something for Will? He had left his crayons before temporarily moving to California and obviously they had paper. That would be an excuse to visit him again

It took him about half an hour to attempt to draw Will the wise, and in the end he wasn't that happy with it, rethinking if he should give it to Will. It looked all rushed and the proportions were terrible, not anything near what Will was capable of

He thought for a while and decided he would give it to him

About an hour later his parents finally stopped arguing and he heard them go upstairs, now was his chance.

Staying in his pyjamas, he hiked to wills house with the drawing clutched in his hand. It was getting bright again, since it was the summer and the sun would come up in the early hours

He arrived at wills house and saw all the lights off except Jonathan's. He would probably be hanging out with argyle at this time, so he decided to knock on his window

J: "mike what are you doing here?! It's 6am!"

M: "that early? Wow.. well I'm here to give something to Will he uh- left it yesterday when we were hanging out.. can you let me in please?"

J: "sure.. I'll let you in through the front door. I think he's asleep right now though so don't startle him"

Jonathan let Mike in through the front door and went back to his room where argyle was singing pass the dutchie

Mike walked to wills room and slowly opened the door. He was sleeping, cuddling a pillow, he felt bad to disturb him like this so randomly

Wills POV

The last thing Will remembered was finally falling asleep after listening to some music and taking his mind off of everything, now he was being awoken someone gently nudging him

He groaned and reluctantly opened his eyes to see mikes face infront of him

M: "will will will will will will wake up will will will will"

W: "Mike what- why are you here- what time is it?"

Mike gave him a moment to wake up and sat down on his bed next to him

M: "do you want some water or something?"

W: "I'm okay thanks, but what are you doing here? It's 6am"

M: "sorry I uh, came to bring you something I made since I couldn't sleep"

Then he had an idea

M: "do you mind if I stay here for a while? My parents are arguing and it's annoying"

W: "yeah of course you can stay! Sorry about them"

They talked a little more as Will was fully waking up

M: "oh, I almost forgot.. here, I drew this for you- it's not the best I know and it looks rushed but I swear it took ages"

 here, I drew this for you- it's not the best I know and it looks rushed but I swear it took ages"

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Will held back a laugh

W: "i-it's great!.. I love it thank you"

M: "you're lying"

W: "I'm not!"

M: "yes you are! I have nowhere near your skill in art"

W: "you know what, I'll even put it on my wall to show how much I love it"

M: "nonono you don't have to"

But before Mike could argue Will had grabbed a pin from his drawer and put it on the wall right above his bed

W: "maybe I'll even put it in a frame"

M: "oh my gosh Will."

After some time, Mike managed to doze off with will by his side playing with his hair, no one had to know

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