CH 3 - The Shower

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It was six o'clock in the morning and my alarm clock rang once again and after ten snoozes, I finally woke up. I didn't have a great sleep at all but I still got up and got ready for school. I was already going to go late to school so I quickly grabbed my phone and dashed out. Once I got to the bus stop I sat on the bench and looked at the display. It was going to take 5 minutes which wasn't too bad, there was still a chance I could go to school on time.

I checked my phone since I hadn't used it since yesterdays incident. My eyes grew wide in horror as I turned my phone on. There were more than a thousand notifications just waiting to be opened. I opened them and to my great surprise they were all about yesterday. I don't think a single message was positive. They were either Tyler fangirls being jealous or the boys calling me gay and Tyler's bitch. As I scrolled by the hundreds of slurs, I quickly realised that none of them talked negatively about Tyler. How did he get away from this? He's the one that kissed me forcefully. So why am I being punished?

Oh right. Its because he's popular and powerful and also a lot more alpha than me. His tall, muscular frame compared to my small, skinny body is the perfect comparison. His dark features are so alluring, it's almost suffocating. I guess that's what you would call a top in gay terms or whatever. And......I'm the bottom. I guess even I can't imagine bending Tyler over and fucking him but its pretty easy the other way round. I flushed as I realised what I was thinking about. My face was probably bright red now. I felt so embarrassed. 

Finally, my bus came and I hopped on. Once I got to school, I could feel the painful stares piercing through the back of my head. Ryan and his gang walked up to me. They were the school bullies, the ones you shouldn't even look at if you don't want to be in trouble. 

"So, you've finally admitted that you're just a whore like your mother. If you wanted it so bad you could've come to me. I would've given my dick to you with no hesitation." Ryan snickered as he grabbed my shoulder and slamming me into the wall, causing me to drop to the floor. The gang started kicking me and pouring drinks on me. Normally, I would stand up to these guys but today I had no energy so I just accepted my defeat. "Weakling." Ryan said as he sneered and turned around to leave the hall and his gang following like always.

My hair was soaked with juices from almost every fruit and quickly became sticky. I sat there helplessly. The thing that hurt the most was the fact Tyler just stood there not doing anything but laughing. I stood up and slowly walked to the changing room as I had little to no energy left and got into the shower. The cold water splashing on my face woke me up a bit more. My emotionless tears mixed in with the splashing water as thought it was wiping my tears away. I felt a bit more energized but still exhausted and the school day barely even started. 

As I continued to clear the juice form my hair, I heard someone enter and their footsteps drew closer and closer to me. There was a knock on my shower door. Was it Ryan? I swear if it was I would be more than ready to fight him. Suddenly, they leaped over the door, landing next to me. I stepped backwards trying to see who it was as the water covered my eyes. It was Tyler.

"What now dickhead?" I said with frustration but not enough to shout at him. He stepped closer to me, placing his head under the shower. The water washed through his dark black mane and soaked his white shirt till it turned translucent. I could see his whole body. His abs, chest, arms. Everything was exposed to my eyes. I stared in awe. 

"What are you staring at, huh" he laughed as he pushed my chin upwards so our eyes met. We stared at each other deeply during the tense silence. It was only then that I realised that I was completed naked in front of this beast of  a man. I froze as I was unable to think properly. Tyler slowly turned of the shower and now there was a deafening silence. He stepped closer to me and reached his hand out to my waist. Yet I quickly grabbed my towel and moved out. But it was too late and Tyler pulled me back in. 

There was a sudden wave of heat as he pressed his body against mine. I felt his hard dick again pressing onto my stomach. "Babe, where were you going? I haven't finished what I wanted". Was this guy serious with the whole wife thing? He then slowly moved his hand down my waist until he reach my thighs. There was some sort of weird sensation I was feeling. It was hard to tell if it was good or bad. I wanted to push him away but something was stopping me. 

I then came back to my senses and took my chance and rammed my knee to his crotch. He let out a loud groan and I finally escaped to the changing room. "Motherfucker!" he shouted as I ran out. I quickly changed into my kit and got out as fast as possible before that demon came back.

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