Chapter six

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despite Jessicas body on the floor, everyone made sure y/n was okay.

"I always knew there was something wrong with her." Lily said.

James nodded, "she gave off weird vibes"

"she told me i was gonna stand i the way of her "dark lords" plans." y/n confessed. Lily looked confused, "who is the "dark lord" ?" she asked.

y/n shrugged, "how am i supposed to know, i'm only confused as to why my best friend tried to murder me." she replied.

"what matters is that you're alive." Tom replied,

y/n looked at him, "my best friend just tried to kill me. I think what matters the most is to figure out why she tried to do it." 

James looked at Jessicas body, then back at y/n. 

"who is the "dark lord" that she spoke of?" y/n knew. She knew all this time who that "dark lord" was. But she never expected Jessica to be involved in it. The one person she actually trusted in this world. Despite not seeing her for years after she went back into the reality of it all. The reality that Tom took his own life to save her from himself. How she finally had gotten her life back together, her boyfriend, now husband, was alive and well. This whole situation just made everything worse and now it was her job to get to the bottom of what Tom had actually been planning all along. 

Did he send Jess to kill her? Was Jess being her friend just to get her to trust her? So many questions rushed through y/n's mind, yet all of them were unsolvable. She just couldn't piece together what drew Jess to do this to her. After everything they went through together. Tears pricked the sides of her eyes as she looked up to face James and the rest of her so called friends. 

"Maybe he sent her to kill me." she finally responded. As all of her friends were waiting on her to respond. Standing there looking at her like she had just lost a loved one. She did. Her name was Jessica. Her best friend. Sister. Other half. She just didnt know why. 

"If he did. Why did she wait this long?" Lily told them, "and why did he ask her to kill y/n? it just doesn't make sense to me. y/n hasn't hurt a soul."

"As far as we know." James added, "What if y/n actually did something really bad and now the mafia is after her? come on lils. Do we really wanna be around that?" James pleaded with her. Looking into her eyes, he waited for an answer from Lily. But she just kept looking back and forth between James and y/n. Before finally responding. 

"Y/n has been a dear friend James. Do we really want to accuse her of having bad blood? it's like being placed in slytherin knowing you're a mudblood. She's helped up. We owe her that." Lily replied, "It doesn't matter if you trust her or not. Because i do, and my instincts never lie, James." 

James looked away from Lily and sighed, "Okay, i trust you. But only you." he took a glance at Jessicas body one more time, "I dont really know who we can trust anymore." 

"no one." Tom started, "Seeing what happened here today, i dont think anyone can be trusted. Who knows how many people could be working for this "dark lord" and since we haven't all tried to kill y/n yet. I assume none of us are." 

But y/n knew who is, and isn't working for him. If only they all knew that y/n was only sent here once before to stop the wizarding war from happening. Only this time, it was a mistake. She wasn't supposed to be back here. But if Tom killed Jessica, and Jessica was sent by Tom to kill her. Why did Tom kill Jess? Was that just a part of his plan too? to act like a hero? So many questions, yet, little answers. 

y/n looked at them, "we have to get out of here."

In his own worst nightmare, Tom Riddle X readerWhere stories live. Discover now