Chapter Six

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It's a bit before eight thirty in the morning, two first years walking into class as one grins and the other scowls. Miyuki takes his spot next to the window while Kuramochi sits to the right of him.

"I'm telling you, Ryo-san is evil. You know how he was going to give us hell for walking Nami-san home? Apparently he's the third year that walked her home last night," Kuramochi starts, setting his book bag down.

"Okay? And? They said they would make sure one of them would walk her home. What's the big deal?" Miyuki cannot honestly understand why the shortstop is even complaining about this.

"Well get this," Kuramochi narrows his eyes, "Ryo-san gave Nami-san a housewarming gift and you should've seen his face when he told me! I can't even tease him about it or anything too!"

Miyuki snickers, "Or else he'll bite your head off..."


"What did he get her anyway?

"Remember when we got to the restaurant and how Ryo-san was a bit late?" Miyuki nods, eyebrow raising. "So he stayed back to get that plushie for her. Said she was practically at a loss for words when he gave it to her. Now he's just showing off." Kuramochi huffs, only making the other laugh.

"You sound jealous Mochi~"

"I-I'm not! I'm just a little frustrated that we can't give him hell like he and the rest of them did to us!"

"Mhm, sureeee."

"And don't call me that!"

Miyuki can only laugh at this. "What? Is that only reserved for-"

The chatter of everyone in the class quieted down when their homeroom teacher walked in, smiling as she held a stack of papers. "Good morning class."

"Good morning!"

"Before we start class, we have a special guest to welcome."

The announcement of a special guest gets the class buzzing, everyone curious on who this special guest could be. Kuramochi and Miyuki look at each other. Another special guest? Wait... Could it be Izanami? How funny would it be if it was their class she was going to observe?

"Everyone quiet down," The teacher says before turning to look at the door, "You may come in now."

And here walks in Izanami, dressed in simple gray-washed jeans, a white polo, the school shoes, and her hair down with the blonde hair framing her face. She's smiling, nodding when the teacher motions her to come to the front of the class to introduce herself, adjusting the bag she had over her shoulder.

"Good morning everyone!" Clearly she was over her jet-lag as she was completely awake and energetic, "My name is Kataoka Izanami, but please do call me Izanami or Nami instead. I will be attending your class for what remains of your second semester. I will be transferring here for the start of my second year, but I am here now to help me adjust to the different school systems compared to back home. My native tongue is English and I'm aware of Japan's customs and everything, but I do apologize in advance if I slip up." She's smiling as she looks at the class, her smile forming into a grin when she spots two very familiar baseball players. "Thank you for having me!"

As she bows, the curious chatter of everyone increases before the teacher quiets them down again. "Nami-san, you can take a seat..." The teacher looks around before smiling, "Right behind Miyuki-kun over there. Raise your hand please Miyuki-kun."

Though it wasn't needed, Miyuki raised his hand with a cocky grin on his face. Izanami more than anything wanted to roll her eyes, but she didn't. She simply smiled at the teacher before making her way over and taking a seat. Just as the teacher turns around to write on the board, Miyuki looks at Izanami over his shoulder and gives her a playful wink. Izanami does a silent gagging motion making Kuramochi snicker, who also turns to look at her and gives a small wave.

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