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So ill give yall a quick recap of what went down, so Elana and her parents got in a car crach her parents died. yay!

Stefan saved Elana ofies so everything went acording to plan.

and thats what you missed on...


Anyway its the its the first day of school and me being the nicest person on earth I decided to give Elena, Jeremy, Tylor and Caroline a lift to school. I know im the best arent I.

One thing that im happy to report my lovely readers is that Jeremy didnt turn to drugs but instead to me your lovely protagonist.

Anyway time skip cause im to lazy to explain everything that went down on the way here, but for a quick run though Damon's little crow went yeetus into my car and Elena had a little freak out then had her little 'i cant be scared for the rest of my life' bullshit.

Right now we were standing outside the office when Care points out Stefanie at the front desk. "Fuck me, please be hot."

"ew Care what the fuck i dont want to hear that kind of shit." Jere says not only sounding disgusted but also looking it.

"oi! language mister i dont want to hear you fucking swearing young man." i respond pointing my finger at him disaprovingly.

Turning around i take a look at Stefanie "I sensing brooding and hero hair." i say after waving my arms about Wanda Maximoff style.

"Your realy leaning into the witchy thing hu Bonnie." Elana voices from my right. I hear giggles from Care, Jere and Ty cause they know about about me being a witch and Ty being an werewolf.

"yeah and i bet im right, lets see im thinking green eyes too." and low and behold Stefanie turns arounf and green eyes meet my brown ones, i give him a little smirk with a tiny headach and watch as his eyes widen, i widen my eyes and smirk and give him a little wink.

The rest of the school day was boaring as fuck with Elena staring all doe eyed at Stefan and him staring at me with suspision which was honestly sus if im being honest

Later we were at the grill Jere and Ty were playing pool while me and Care were eating burgers and fries each cause Bon Bon doesnt share food.

When Elena and Stefanie walk in having that convo with Matt and walking to our table.

We go through the hole Care-bare interigation. "Any siblings?" Care asks

"None that I talk to." Stef trys to shrug the question of but i wont let that happen sorry Srefanie but today aint yo day boo.

"But you do have one then, let me guess dark hair and drinks burbon." I say with an evil smirk on my face.

Elena seeing the look on Stefans face comes to his rescue. "Sorry about Bonnie she's aperently a witch."

"I dont believe we've been properly introduced Stefan. Bennett, Bonnie Bennett." I introduce myself with a small smirk on my face extending my hand to him.

Taking my hand. "Stefan Salvatore, its nice to meet you Miss Bennett."

"I'm sure it is, Mr Salvatore."

We hold eye contact until Care interupts. "So Stefan seeing as your knew you wont know about the bonfire party tonight."

"You should come Stefan its always a blast." I smirk knowing whats going to happen tonight.

"Are you going to be there?" he does his creepy staring thing to Elena.

" of course she's going!" Care says.


Standing at the drinks I fill my cup up with whisky.

Then suddenly im on the dance floor, Then we here Matt screaming for help coming from the woods with Vikie in his arms.

"Someone call the police!"

once all that dramatic shit went down Care took me to th grill cause i was shit faced.

A shit load of fries was placed infront of me with a coffee next to it. Turning to Care "You know its so hard knowing whats going to happen and not knowing if you changed enough to stop things." i say refering to what Damon does to Caroline in the show.

"I know what you need, you need to get railed babes." Care deadpans me.

"Noone in this town is sexy though plus everyone is so vanilla." I roll my eyes not even faised by Care being so blunt.

"Actualy do you know who surprisingly isnt vanilla. Matt." Care says with wide eyes.

"Realy i would have peged him for a super vanilla." I reply surprised. I turn to look around when I feel eyes on me and make eye contact with ocean blue eyes.

I smirk and wave with a wink.

so if you cant tell my loves im scottish so there will be lots of swearing and 'scots' words also im very dyslexic so there will be alot of spelling mistakes so im sorry for that

- love, Grace

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